grant / go-diagram

🌐 A UML diagram editor for Golang projects
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index.styl ERROR in Path must be a string. ERROR in Cannot find module 'stylus' css/index.styl #5

Open omac777 opened 8 years ago

omac777 commented 8 years ago

sudo npm run build

go-diagram@0.0.2 build /home/loongson/Code/go/src/ webpack --config webpack.config.js --progress --colors -p

Hash: 02804b4f411e4092c332
Version: webpack 1.13.2 Time: 13270ms Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names js/bundle.js 539 kB 0 [emitted] main index.html 52 bytes [emitted]
[0] multi main 52 bytes {0} [built]

WARNING in js/bundle.js from UglifyJs Condition always true [./~/react/lib/ReactMount.js:764,0] Condition left of && always true [./~/json3/lib/json3.js:5,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable components [./~/react-transform-catch-errors/lib/index.js:13,0] Dropping side-effect-free statement [./~/redbox-react/lib/index.js:312,0] Dropping unused function _assign [./~/redbox-react/lib/index.js:303,0] Dropping unused function _set_original [./~/redbox-react/lib/index.js:311,0] Dropping unused function _update_operation__ [./~/redbox-react/lib/index.js:317,0] Condition always true [./~/react/lib/findDOMNode.js:46,0] Condition always true [./~/react/lib/instantiateReactComponent.js:80,0] Dropping unreachable code [./~/react/lib/shouldUpdateReactComponent.js:40,0] Condition always true [./~/react/lib/traverseAllChildren.js:158,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable _reactRouter [./js/components/Struct.js:6,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable fieldType [./js/components/UMLDiagram.js:160,10] Side effects in initialization of unused variable appActions [./js/components/UMLDiagram.js:9,12] Side effects in initialization of unused variable _reactRedux [./js/components/UMLDiagram.js:10,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable CHANGE_PROJECT_NAME [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:9,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable CHANGE_OWNER_NAME [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:10,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable DELETE_STRUCT [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:11,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable CHANGE_STRUCT_NAME [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:12,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable CHANGE_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:13,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable CHANGE_STRUCT_FIELD_NAME [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:14,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable ADD_STRUCT_FIELD [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:15,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable REMOVE_STRUCT_FIELD [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:16,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable SET_PACKAGE_DATA [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:17,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable ADD_STRUCT [./js/constants/AppConstants.js:18,13] Side effects in initialization of unused variable state [./~/react-router/lib/Link.js:106,0] Condition always true [./~/react-router/lib/Redirect.js:49,0] Condition always true [./js/app.js:46,4] Side effects in initialization of unused variable dispatch [./js/components/SearchBox.js:25,10] Side effects in initialization of unused variable projectName [./js/components/pages/HomePage.js:46,6] Side effects in initialization of unused variable ownerName [./js/components/pages/HomePage.js:47,6] Side effects in initialization of unused variable _reactRouter [./js/components/pages/HomePage.js:9,0] Condition always true [./~/error-stack-parser/error-stack-parser.js:6,0] Dropping unreachable code [./~/error-stack-parser/error-stack-parser.js:8,5] Condition always true [./~/history/lib/createMemoryHistory.js:69,0] Condition always true [./~/jquery/dist/jquery.js:9778,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable nextFrame [./~/react-input-autosize/lib/AutosizeInput.js:9,0] Condition always true [./~/react-router/lib/IndexRedirect.js:49,0] Condition always true [./~/react-router/lib/IndexRoute.js:46,0] Condition always true [./~/react-router/lib/Route.js:50,0] Condition always true [./~/react/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:907,0] Dropping side-effect-free statement [./~/react/lib/ReactEventListener.js:72,0] Dropping unused function handleTopLevelWithPath [./~/react/lib/ReactEventListener.js:98,0] Dropping unused variable DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE_TYPE [./~/react/lib/ReactEventListener.js:26,0] Dropping side-effect-free statement [./~/redbox-react/lib/lib.js:134,0] Dropping unused function _assign [./~/redbox-react/lib/lib.js:125,0] Dropping unused function _set_original [./~/redbox-react/lib/lib.js:133,0] Dropping unused function _update_operation__ [./~/redbox-react/lib/lib.js:139,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable filenameHasLoaders [./~/redbox-react/lib/lib.js:17,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable isFilenameAbsolute [./~/redbox-react/lib/lib.js:28,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable makeUrl [./~/redbox-react/lib/lib.js:38,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable makeLinkText [./~/redbox-react/lib/lib.js:62,0] Condition always true [./~/stackframe/stackframe.js:6,0] Dropping unreachable code [./~/stackframe/stackframe.js:8,5] Condition always false [./~/style-loader/addStyles.js:24,0] Dropping unreachable code [./~/style-loader/addStyles.js:25,0] Condition always true [./~/style-loader!./~/css-loader!./~/stylus-loader!./css/index.styl:10,0] Condition always true [./~/underscore/underscore.js:48,0] Dropping unreachable code [./~/underscore/underscore.js:54,0] Condition always true [./~/underscore/underscore.js:1543,0] Condition always true [./~/url/~/punycode/punycode.js:511,0] Dropping unreachable code [./~/url/~/punycode/punycode.js:518,2] Side effects in initialization of unused variable freeExports [./~/url/~/punycode/punycode.js:5,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable freeModule [./~/url/~/punycode/punycode.js:7,0] Dropping unused variable key [./~/url/~/punycode/punycode.js:56,0] Condition always true [(webpack)-dev-server/client?http:/localhost:3000:9,0] Side effects in initialization of unused variable scriptHost [(webpack)-dev-server/client?http:/localhost:3000:5,0] Condition always true [(webpack)/hot/only-dev-server.js:6,0] Dropping unreachable code [(webpack)/hot/only-dev-server.js:76,0]

ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./~/stylus-loader!./css/index.styl Module build failed: TypeError: /home/loongson/Code/go/src/ 2| 3| @import 'vendor/*/' 4| @import 'base/**/_' 5| @import 'components/_/' 6| ------^

Path must be a string. Received undefined

at assertPath (path.js:7:11)
at extname (path.js:1433:5)
at new SourceMapper (/home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at Renderer.render (/home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at /home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at tryCatchReject (/home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at runContinuation1 (/home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at Fulfilled.when (/home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at (/home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at Scheduler._drain (/home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at Scheduler.drain (/home/loongson/Code/go/src/
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)

@ ./css/index.styl 4:14-118 13:2-17:4 14:20-124

ERROR in Path must be a string. Received undefined

I tried doing an update of packages: npm install -g npm-check-updates ncu -u ncu -a npm run build Then it gave me another related error: ERROR in Cannot find module 'stylus' css/index.styl

omac777 commented 8 years ago

I tried installing nvm

Configure to run nodejs version 5.12.0 since that was roughly the same as march 2016 when you committed this code: nvm install v5.12.0 nvm use v5.12.0

again: cd app npm i npm run build Same errors after run build

figoxu commented 8 years ago

As i using node v6 ,I have the same error on windows7 . When i change node version to v5.11.1 , It works .

leoleovich commented 7 years ago


grant commented 7 years ago

I'm happily accepting PRs to fix this.

wpecker commented 6 years ago

@figoxu Can I provide the full code after npm run build?