Uploaded bytes 92188040
Finished uploading artifact content to blob storage!
SHA256 hash of uploaded artifact zip is d916a64be546c4a9a7d67ffb545ab266d3c1435f7133f7b001f663299882f80b
Finalizing artifact upload
Artifact wheelhouse.zip successfully finalized. Artifact ID 1204639748
Artifact wheelhouse has been successfully uploaded! Final size is 92188040 bytes. Artifact ID is 1204639748
Artifact download URL: https://github.com/grantjenks/py-tree-sitter-languages/actions/runs/7706777756/artifacts/1204639748
Hi, thanks for working on this,
I saw your new release and was going to test it, though the mac (and win) wheels seem to be missing from PyPI.
They appear to have been built:
They should be uploaded:
(though the link is dead)
but download artifact (https://github.com/grantjenks/py-tree-sitter-languages/actions/runs/7706777756/job/21009851542) seem to only see one artifact, and indeed wheelhouse.zip only have linux whl.
Maybe you know what chaged recently ?