grantjenks / py-tree-sitter-languages

Binary Python wheels for all tree sitter languages.
116 stars 35 forks source link

Looking for new maintainer #54

Open grantjenks opened 4 months ago

grantjenks commented 4 months ago

I no longer wish to maintain the project.

Is someone else interested in doing so?

Nothing is wrong with the project or me. I simply don’t have the time nor interest.

Freed-Wu commented 4 months ago


Can you add me to collaborators? Downstream projects termux-language-server need this project. Or you can transfer it to where termux-language-server is.

heijligers commented 3 months ago

Just found this @grantjenks . Sorry to hear this project is no longer energizing you. As avid Aider user Aider I'm eagerly waiting on @Freed-Wu's merge to add swift support to this repository and therefor to aider. Let us know how we can help.

grantjenks commented 3 months ago

Hey folks, I started the new job last week and am waiting to understand the open source contributors policy before I take the next step here. I expect it'll be soon (like this month).

cmosguy commented 2 months ago

@grantjenks can we move forward with your final decision? @Freed-Wu has made updates that the community needs.

Hope you are enjoying your new role by way 😀

VladimirLevadnij commented 2 months ago

@grantjenks Hello. I wanted to create a new issue and ask you to add GDScript support to your wonderful product so that it can be used in Aider.

But now I don’t know who to write to. Please tell me who should I contact with my request? :-)