grantmcdermott / tinyplot

Lightweight extension of the base R graphics system
Apache License 2.0
208 stars 7 forks source link

v0.0.4 release #105

Closed grantmcdermott closed 5 months ago

grantmcdermott commented 5 months ago

@vincentarelbundock @zeileis Just a heads-up that I plan to "release" v0.0.4 tomorrow morning (Friday).

Obviously this is mostly pro forma, since we haven't submitted to CRAN yet and the R-universe builds are tagged to the latest commit. But I'd like to announce the new facet features, so people can test them.

After this release, I'd like to focus on the main things still needed before a CRAN release. Mainly that's deciding on the package name, fixing continuous legend support, and possibly adding histogram support. Hopefully we can tie up some other loose ends in the process.

zeileis commented 5 months ago

That sounds great! Two comments:

grantmcdermott commented 5 months ago

Super. Please don't stress about contributions. I know that both of you are (very) busy and I'm happy for whatever inputs you can provide. Just wanted to give you a HU regarding releases.

Speaking of which, I just announced the release on Mastodon and BlueSky. I'm still on an extended Twitter break (ineffectual protest vote?) but please feel free to share on Twitter too if you are still active there.

zeileis commented 5 months ago

Thanks, will share on Mastodon on Monday morning (our time). I'm trying to stop using Twitter and haven't really started BlueSky.