grantmcdermott / tinyplot

Lightweight extension of the base R graphics system
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Add facet support #83

Closed grantmcdermott closed 7 months ago

grantmcdermott commented 7 months ago

Closes #79.


This PR introduces facet support to plot2. While user-facing changes are minimal—essentially all running through a new "facet" argument—it has required a fairly major refactoring of internal code to correctly interface with the existing "by" grouping code logic. At a high level, this is what plot2 does internally now:

This internal code refactoring has broken a few tests. Some are just to do with plotting order—which elements are plotted on top of which—so not a serious blocker. A potentially more serious issue is that manually configuring a grid of plots via par(mfrow) no longer works consistently. I'm pretty sanguine about this and view it as an acceptable tradeoff (see also #65). UPDATE: Fixed.


#> ℹ Loading plot2

data("penguins", package = "palmerpenguins")
penguins = subset(penguins, ! & !

par(pch = 19)

# basic faceting on its own
    x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g,
    facet = species

# fancier version with additional args (incl. interaction with separate by arg)
    x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g,
    by = sex, facet = species,
    palette = "dark2",
    grid = TRUE, frame = FALSE,
    main = "Palmer Penguins"

# facet = "by" (redundant but there if you want it)
    x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g,
    by = species, facet = "by",
    grid = TRUE, frame = FALSE,
    main = "Palmer Penguins"

# density example
    x = body_mass_g, facet = species,
    type = "density",
    fill = "black",
    grid = TRUE, frame = FALSE,
    main = "Penguin body mass (g)"

# and another one (incl. interaction with a separate by arg)
    x = body_mass_g, by = sex, facet = species,
    type = "density",
    fill = "by", palette = "dark2",
    grid = TRUE, frame = FALSE,
    main = "Penguin body mass (g)"

Created on 2023-11-29 with reprex v2.0.2

Chores for this PR

Still to do / decide:

We don't necessarily have to resolve or roll these all into this PR. But here are some things that I think we ultimately need take a stance on w.r.t. facet support. EDIT: Moved to #90.

zeileis commented 7 months ago

Grant, really cool, thanks for the work on this! I just want to comment on two aspects that we had visited before:

Layout: In my first attempt to add both faceting and categorical variables, I had just added an argument mfrow so that we could set mfrow = TRUE or mfrow = c(1, 4) etc. Maybe this would be feasible for letting the users decide whether they want square layouts or not.

Axes: It would be good to separate out the functions for drawing the panels and drawing the axes now. This might let us add the support for categorical variables from that we had further discussed in My suggestion was that there should be workhorse functions a la plot2_xclass_yclass_plottype(x, y, by, axes = TRUE, ...).

From reading your description above (but not studying the code in detail), I thought that it might maybe help to have accompanying functions axis2_xlass_yclass_plottype(...) that could be inserted into the workflow for drawing the axes?

grantmcdermott commented 7 months ago

Okay, I haven't managed to squeeze in everything. In particular, we'll need to address the single facet row soon and some of the other things you mention @zeileis. (Shouldn't be too hard to implement technically; we just need to decide on the UI options we want.) But as base for facet support in plot2—something that we can continue building on—I think that this PR is now ready to review and merge.

Quite chuffed with how this has come together TBH. Here's one more example, demonstrating the add functionality works with facets.

#> ℹ Loading plot2

data("penguins", package = "palmerpenguins")
penguins = subset(penguins, ! & !

# Predict body mass with interactions to match facet-by combo further below
mod = lm(body_mass_g ~ flipper_length_mm * species * sex, data = penguins)

# Add predictions to dataset
penguins = cbind(penguins, predict(mod, newdata = penguins, interval = "confidence"))

# Original obs
    x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g,
    by = sex, facet = species,
    palette = "dark2", fill = "by", 
    grid = TRUE, frame = FALSE,
    main = "Penguins"

# Add model predictions
    x = flipper_length_mm, y = fit, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr,
    by = sex, facet = species,
    type = "ribbon",
    palette = "dark2",
    add = TRUE

Created on 2023-12-01 with reprex v2.0.2

vincentarelbundock commented 7 months ago

I can`t look at the code, but this looks absolutely amazing. Well done!

Personally, I would avoid putting too much burden on the formula. Faceting does feel like a different functionality which should mostly (exclusively?) be called with its own argument. Also, focusing on the facet argument eventually allow us to do more complex things like multiple variables with a two-sided formula indicating rows and columns.

The mfrow feature seems important and powerful. Is that name too generic? Will people think it does something else, like allow multiple plot2() calls? If it only applies to facet, maybe it should be facet_mfrow. I don't have a strong view...

Overall, very very nice stuff!

grantmcdermott commented 7 months ago

Okay, let's merge this as-is then and tackle the remaining facet questions in standalone issue(s). I'll copy them across shortly.