Here's a new site I'd like you to consider blocking:
It's a popular forum that discusses anime games created by the developer, Hoyoverse. It would be cool if I can only see news about the games without the comments.
Apart from comments, sometimes posts show "Hot" Comments under it (example). If possible, please consider blocking it too.
Glad it's working out for you. :) I added the site.. after you update the definitions (on the options page), let me know if you still see comments anywhere on there.
Here's a new site I'd like you to consider blocking:
It's a popular forum that discusses anime games created by the developer, Hoyoverse. It would be cool if I can only see news about the games without the comments.
Apart from comments, sometimes posts show "Hot" Comments under it (example). If possible, please consider blocking it too.
Thanks for such a great extension!