grapegrip / wool

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Error: `cargo install wool` failed to compile #13

Open jchook opened 1 year ago

jchook commented 1 year ago

Unable to install from cargo:

➜ cargo --version
cargo 1.66.0 (d65d197ad 2022-11-15)

➜ rustc --version
rustc 1.66.0 (69f9c33d7 2022-12-12)

➜ cargo install wool
    Updating index
  Downloaded wool v0.1.3
  Downloaded 1 crate (265.6 KB) in 0.78s
  Installing wool v0.1.3
error: failed to compile `wool v0.1.3`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installf1JsPC`

Caused by:
  failed to select a version for the requirement `hyper-staticfile = "^0.5"`
  candidate versions found which didn't match: 0.9.4
  location searched: index
  required by package `wool v0.1.3`
rvega commented 5 hours ago

+1 hyper-staticfile