grapesmoker / qems2

A new implementation of the QEMS submission system for quizbowl questions.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Would a question queuing and approval system be a good compromise? #388

Open mweiner1 opened 1 year ago

mweiner1 commented 1 year ago

It's understood that implementing a full system of questions belonging to organizations and built into multiple sets (in the manner of NAQT or otherwise) is a very large undertaking code-wise, that probably won't happen under the current volunteer maintenance system for QEMS2, and would be of little value to most tournaments that use the software anyway.

However, there is still a problem with writers adding questions directly to sets without needing any intermediate approval, in terms of issues such as 1) many sets relying on new writers or being intended as teaching experiences being filled with questions that are not really ready for a final editing process 2) it being too easy to ignore repeats, difficulty instructions, style guides, etc, which is a problem itself and with getting the lessons needed in point 1 across 3) the lack of any logical workflow for subject and set editors, who just have to wade into a pile of questions at some point and have no real tools to work in any particular order, automatically list questions that need work, or stabilize the amount of total work needed across days and weeks.

I think a good compromise that will address some of these issues without creating a huge task for the person who implements the software is to just allow every individual set to enable an associated "queue" or "waiting room" area, so that a set editor can reject or approve submitted questions one at a time before they are showing as filling a need in the set. This will allow for a quicker observation of writer trends and create some rudimentary workflow management. Is there a chance of getting this feature?