graphaware / neo4j-to-elasticsearch

GraphAware Framework Module for Integrating Neo4j with Elasticsearch
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can't search data in elasticsearch after update in neo4j #123

Closed sofiane01234 closed 6 years ago

sofiane01234 commented 6 years ago

@ikwattro Hi sir , i've integrated elasticsearch 6.2.4 with neo4j 3.4.0 using graphaware i'm using an external mapping file (mapping.json) , At the first time :

The problem is when updating a node in neo4j , the document is actually updated in elasticsearch but we can't reach it with _search query (elasticsearch). Is there any additional configuration to make document searchable after an update in elasticsearch ? Can anyone help please.

sofiane01234 commented 6 years ago

Hi Again Mr @ikwattro
i've checked the indexed document structure in elasticsearch before update , it looks like this :

                "_index": "neo4j-index-node",
                "_type": "doc",
                "_id": "63ce5f70-6a4f-11e8-a75a-08d40c60a063",
                "_version": 4,
                "_score": 1,
                "_source": {                  
                        "fname": "lalalala",
                        "mname": "Test Test",
                        "type": "Member",
                        "email": ""

and after the update in neo4j , the document will be updated and re-indexed and will look like this

                "_index": "neo4j-index-node",
                "_type": "doc",
                "_id": "63ce5f70-6a4f-11e8-a75a-08d40c60a063",
                "_version": 4,
                "_score": 1,
                "_source": {
                    "index": "neo4j-index-node",
                    "type": "doc",
                    "id": "63ce5f70-6a4f-11e8-a75a-08d40c60a063",
                    "source": {
                        "fname": "lalalala",
                        "mname": "Test Test",
                        "type": "Member",
                        "email": ""

is this structure normal ? or it's a bug ?

ikwattro commented 6 years ago

Hi @sofiane01234 , it is a bug that has been fixed. You can use the snapshot here : Will be publicly available with new release. Refers to #120