graphaware / neo4j-to-elasticsearch

GraphAware Framework Module for Integrating Neo4j with Elasticsearch
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Online reloading of mapping.json #163

Closed jkcdarunday closed 3 years ago

jkcdarunday commented 4 years ago


We are currently trying to use neo4j-to-elasticsearch in our production environment. Sometimes, we update mapping.json during release to add new indices or to add/modify fields of existing indices. Whenever we do, we need to do a full restart of the Neo4j server in order for these changes to be loaded which causes downtime for realtime users.


Is there a way to reload mapping.json without a full server restart?

If not, consider this as a feature request for such functionality. My suggestion would be to expose a method within neo4j that can trigger a mapping.json reload (something like graphaware.neo4j2es.reload()?)