graphcore / Gradient-Pytorch-Geometric

A repository of tutorials and examples demonstrating use of PyTorch Geometric with IPUs
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3_small_graph_batching_with_padding.ipynb has JavaScript error #10

Open nmb-paperspace opened 1 year ago

nmb-paperspace commented 1 year ago

In learning-pytorch-geometric-on-ipus/3_small_graph_batching_with_padding.ipynb

Cell 5 def molecule_converter(... has a JavaScript error

Model class 'OutputModel' from module '@jupyter-widgets/output' is loaded but can not be instantiated
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sessionContext')
    at u.initialize (
    at new e.Model (
    at new u (
    at z._make_model (
<function __main__.conf_viewer(idx)>
evawGraphcore commented 1 year ago

Hi, I’m unable to reproduce these errors. Can you give me more information on the runtime details? Which image is your container pointing to? Which machine type are you running on?