graphdeco-inria / hierarchical-3d-gaussians

Official implementation of the SIGGRAPH 2024 paper "A Hierarchical 3D Gaussian Representation for Real-Time Rendering of Very Large Datasets"
857 stars 78 forks source link

SIBR_Viewer, WSL, 22.04 - it doesn't start #42

Open kuki83 opened 1 month ago

kuki83 commented 1 month ago

Is there anyone here who can help me run SIBR?

(hierarchical_3d_gaussians) kukla@DESKTOP-6AMN05S:/ hierarchical-3d-gaussians$ SIBR_viewers/install/bin/SIBR_gaussianHierarchyViewer_app --path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/aligned --scaffold ${DATASET_DIR}/output/scaffold/point_cloud/iteration_30000 --model-path ${DATASET_DIR}/output/merged.hier --images-path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/rectified/images [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Initialization of GLFW WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. WARNING: Some incorrect rendering might occur because the selected Vulkan device (Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090)) doesn't support base Zink requirements: feats.features.logicOp have_EXT_custom_border_color have_EXT_line_rasterization [SIBR] -- INFOS --: OpenGL Version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.3 git2407250600.76ae27~oibaf~j (git-76ae27e 2024-07-25 jammy-oi[major: 4, minor: 6] Number of input Images to read: 5822 Number of Cameras set up: 5822 LOADSFM: Try to open data/small_city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3D.bin Num 3D pts 2390040 [SIBR] -- INFOS --: SfM Mesh 'data/small_city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.bin successfully loaded. (2390040) vertices detected. Init GL ... [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Init GL mesh complete USED RES (1024,690) scene w h 1024 : 690 NAME pass1_0000.jpg Warning: GLParameter user_color does not exist in shader PointBased [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Allowing up to 18598279 Gaussians in VRAM Using 12713828167 bytes for scene [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Initializing Raycaster Cameras ID inconsistent. Setting default interpolation path. [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Interactive camera using (0.009,1100) near/far planes. Warning: GLParameter user_color does not exist in shader points_shader Switched to trackball mode. images_path: data/small_city/camera_calibration/rectified/images Cameras ID inconsistent. Setting default interpolation path. Segmentation fault (hierarchical_3d_gaussians) kukla@DESKTOP-6AMN05S:~/hierarchical-3d-gaussians$

Snosixtyboo commented 4 weeks ago

Can you successfully run other opengl applications through your WSL? Like glxgears, e.g.?

000skysky000 commented 3 weeks ago

@Snosixtyboo Thanks for the responses. Excellent work! I have a similar problem, but glxgears run perfect in docker. I use 3090GPU 24G VRAM.

root@leador-System-Product-Name:/media/leador/b0d7adc8-81d9-4535-9098-fadc2eb575ea3/sky/hierarchical-3d-gaussians# SIBR_viewers/install/bin/SIBR_gaussianHierarchyViewer_app --path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/aligned --scaffold ${DATASET_DIR}/output/scaffold/point_cloud/iteration_30000 --model-path ${DATASET_DIR}/output/merged.hier --images-path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/rectified/images --budget 6000 [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Initialization of GLFW [SIBR] -- INFOS --: OpenGL Version: 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 23.0.4-0ubuntu1~22.04.1[major: 4, minor: 5] Number of input Images to read: 5822 Number of Cameras set up: 5822 [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Error: can't load mesh '/media/leador/b0d7adc8-81d9-4535-9098-fadc2eb575ea3/sky/small_city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.txt. [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Error: can't load mesh '/media/leador/b0d7adc8-81d9-4535-9098-fadc2eb575ea3/sky/small_city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.ply. [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Error: can't load mesh '/media/leador/b0d7adc8-81d9-4535-9098-fadc2eb575ea3/sky/small_city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.obj. LOADSFM: Try to open /media/leador/b0d7adc8-81d9-4535-9098-fadc2eb575ea3/sky/small_city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3D.bin Num 3D pts 2390040 [SIBR] -- INFOS --: SfM Mesh '/media/leador/b0d7adc8-81d9-4535-9098-fadc2eb575ea3/sky/small_city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.txt successfully loaded. (2390040) vertices detected. Init GL ... [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Init GL mesh complete USED RES (1024,690) scene w h 1024 : 690 NAME pass1_0000.jpg Warning: GLParameter user_color does not exist in shader PointBased [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Allowing up to 8739500 Gaussians in VRAM Using 5999999668 bytes for scene [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Initializing Raycaster Cameras ID inconsistent. Setting default interpolation path. [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Interactive camera using (0.009,1100) near/far planes. Warning: GLParameter user_color does not exist in shader points_shader Switched to trackball mode. images_path: /media/leador/b0d7adc8-81d9-4535-9098-fadc2eb575ea3/sky/small_city/camera_calibration/rectified/images Cameras ID inconsistent. Setting default interpolation path. Segmentation fault (core dumped) root@leador-System-Product-Name:/media/leador/b0d7adc8-81d9-4535-9098-fadc2eb575ea3/sky/hierarchical-3d-gaussians# glxgears 3586 frames in 5.0 seconds = 716.580 FPS

leador@leador-System-Product-Name:~$ nvidia-smi Sat Aug 17 16:41:43 2024
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 535.54.03 Driver Version: 535.54.03 CUDA Version: 12.2 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M | Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap | Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |=========================================+======================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Off | 00000000:65:00.0 On | N/A | | 0% 50C P3 88W / 370W | 636MiB / 24576MiB | 33% Default | | | | N/A | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+

+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=======================================================================================| | 0 N/A N/A 1476 G /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg 625MiB |

000skysky000 commented 3 weeks ago

@kuki83 I update NViDIA driver to latest 550 version manage run

kuki83 commented 3 weeks ago

Can you successfully run other opengl applications through your WSL? Like glxgears, e.g.?

glxgears turning on.

(base) kukla@DESKTOP-6AMN05S:~$ glxgears WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. WARNING: Some incorrect rendering might occur because the selected Vulkan device (Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090)) doesn't support base Zink requirements: feats.features.logicOp have_EXT_custom_border_color have_EXT_line_rasterization 1046 frames in 5.0 seconds = 209.146 FPS 954 frames in 5.0 seconds = 190.541 FPS

kuki83 commented 3 weeks ago

help me. I have a problem all the time

(hierarchical_3d_gaussians) kukla@DESKTOP-6AMN05S:~/hierarchical-3d-gaussians$ SIBR_viewers/install/bin/SIBR_gaussianHierarchyViewer_app --path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/aligned --scaffold ${DATASET_DIR}/output/scaffold/point_cloud/iteration_30000 --model-path ${DATASET_DIR}/output/merged.hier --images-path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/rectified/images [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Initialization of GLFW WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. WARNING: Some incorrect rendering might occur because the selected Vulkan device (Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090)) doesn't support base Zink requirements: feats.features.logicOp have_EXT_custom_border_color have_EXT_line_rasterization [SIBR] -- INFOS --: OpenGL Version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.3~git2407250600.76ae27~oibaf~j (git-76ae27e 2024-07-25 jammy-oi[major: 4, minor: 6] Number of input Images to read: 1344 Number of Cameras set up: 1344 [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Error: can't load mesh 'data/city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.txt. [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Error: can't load mesh 'data/city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.ply. [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Error: can't load mesh 'data/city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.obj. LOADSFM: Try to open data/city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3D.bin Num 3D pts 256359 [SIBR] -- INFOS --: SfM Mesh 'data/city/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.txt successfully loaded. (256359) vertices detected. Init GL ... [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Init GL mesh complete USED RES (1027,691) scene w h 1027 : 691 NAME cam4/pass1_0835.jpg Warning: GLParameter user_color does not exist in shader PointBased [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Allowing up to 5591660 Gaussians in VRAM Using 3856320628 bytes for scene [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Initializing Raycaster Cameras ID inconsistent. Setting default interpolation path. [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Interactive camera using (0.009,1100) near/far planes. Warning: GLParameter user_color does not exist in shader points_shader Switched to trackball mode. images_path: data/city/camera_calibration/rectified/images Cameras ID inconsistent. Setting default interpolation path. Segmentation fault (hierarchical_3d_gaussians) kukla@DESKTOP-6AMN05S:~/hierarchical-3d-gaussians$ nvidia-smi Wed Aug 21 15:28:42 2024 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 560.28.03 Driver Version: 555.85 CUDA Version: 12.5 | |-----------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M | Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap | Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |=========================================+========================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 On | 00000000:01:00.0 On | Off | | 0% 28C P8 10W / 450W | 1164MiB / 24564MiB | 1% Default | | | | N/A | +-----------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+ | 1 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 On | 00000000:02:00.0 Off | Off | | 0% 27C P8 9W / 450W | 210MiB / 24564MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-----------------------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+

+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=========================================================================================| | 0 N/A N/A 698 G /Xwayland N/A | | 1 N/A N/A 698 G /Xwayland N/A | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (hierarchical_3d_gaussians) kukla@DESKTOP-6AMN05S:~/hierarchical-3d-gaussians$ (hierarchical_3d_gaussians) kukla@DESKTOP-6AMN05S:~/hierarchical-3d-gaussians$ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2022 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Wed_Sep_21_10:33:58_PDT_2022 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.8, V11.8.89 Build cuda_11.8.r11.8/compiler.31833905_0