graphdeco-inria / hierarchical-3d-gaussians

Official implementation of the SIGGRAPH 2024 paper "A Hierarchical 3D Gaussian Representation for Real-Time Rendering of Very Large Datasets"
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Issue running SIBR Viewer #50

Open shankar-anantak opened 1 month ago

shankar-anantak commented 1 month ago


I trained a scene using this codebase, training ran fine. point clouds, cameras, etc are all valid.

When i run

SIBR_viewers/install/bin/SIBR_gaussianHierarchyViewer_app \
    --path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/aligned \
    --scaffold ${DATASET_DIR}/output/scaffold/point_cloud/iteration_30000 \
    --model-path ${DATASET_DIR}/output/merged.hier \
    --images-path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/rectified/images

to view the scene, my SIBR viewer crashes here:

(hierarchical_3d_gaussians) ubuntu@ubuntu:~/A/Pipelines/hierarchical-3d-gaussians$ SIBR_viewers/install/bin/SIBR_gaussianHierarchyViewer_app --path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/aligned --scaffold ${DATASET_DIR}/output/scaffold/point_cloud/iteration_30000 --model-path ${DATASET_DIR}/output/merged.hier --images-path ${DATASET_DIR}/camera_calibration/rectified/images
[SIBR] --  INFOS  --:   Initialization of GLFW
[SIBR] --  INFOS  --:   OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 545.23.06[major: 4, minor: 6]
Number of input Images to read: 325
Number of Cameras set up: 325
LOADSFM: Try to open /home/ubuntu/A/Pipelines/data/testtrack_out/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3D.bin
Num 3D pts 44419
[SIBR] --  INFOS  --:   SfM Mesh '/home/ubuntu/A/Pipelines/data/testtrack_out/camera_calibration/aligned/sparse/0/points3d.bin successfully loaded.  (44419) vertices detected. Init GL ...
[SIBR] --  INFOS  --:   Init GL mesh complete 
 USED RES (848,480) scene w h 848 : 480 NAME color_0001.png
Warning: GLParameter user_color does not exist in shader PointBased
[SIBR] --  INFOS  --:   Allowing up to 4719351 Gaussians in VRAM
[SIBR] ##  ERROR  ##:   FILE /home/ubuntu/A/Pipelines/hierarchical-3d-gaussians/SIBR_viewers/src/projects/hierarchyviewer/renderer/HierarchyView.cpp
            LINE 572, FUNC HierarchyView
            ERROR: 999terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  See log for message errors
Aborted (core dumped)

This is especially strange since i have:

1) trained and viewed other scenes using this codebase, all captured via the same method, cameras, etc 2) exported the scaffold and chunk pointclouds + cameras.json to other viewers such as antimatter. The scene itself looks fine.

Any assistance with this is appreciated