graphdr / formatdown

Formatting tools for markdown documents
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multiply_mark is not in the list of the function parameters #9

Open zdens opened 2 weeks ago

zdens commented 2 weeks ago


while trying to format numbers with "sci" format and to change multiply mark in accordance with the example in this github-repository, I'm facing with the error saying that there is no such a parameter for the format_numbers() function: image

Using global the method formatdown_options(multiply_mark = "\\cdot") doesn't take any effect in resulting text but giving no error though.

The version of the formatdown package installed is 0.1.4, it was installed from one of the CRAN-mirror repository.

What am I doing wrong?

graphdr commented 6 days ago

Hello! Sorry about the delay in replying.

The multiply_mark feature is in the development version on github, but not yet posted to CRAN. You can download the dev-version from GitHub if you like.