graphfoundation / ongdb

ONgDB is an independent fork of Neo4j® Enterprise Edition version 3.4.0.rc02 licensed under AGPLv3 and/or Community Edition licensed under GPLv3
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Cypher query returns error in 3.5.19 , 3.5.22 and 3.5.26 while it was running in 3.5.4 #70

Closed graphileon closed 2 years ago

graphileon commented 3 years ago

this query

MATCH (n1)<--(n2)-->(n3)
WHERE n1 <> n3
WITH n2 limit 1
RETURN [(n2)-->(m) | id(m)][0]

returns an error on 3.5.19 , 3.5.22 and 3.5.26 while on 3.5.4 it returns an id. image

Without the array index at the end, it runs well and returns the expected array of ids.

MATCH (n1)<--(n2)-->(n3)
WHERE n1 <> n3
WITH n2 limit 1
RETURN [(n2)-->(m) | id(m)]

FYI.. the corresponding Neo4j versions do not seem to suffer from this issue.

graphileon commented 3 years ago

the issue seems to be related to the CYPHER version. When prefixing with CYPHER 3.4, the issue does not appear. With CYPHER 3.5 the error appears.

MATCH (n1)<--(n2)-->(n3)
WHERE n1 <> n3
WITH n2 limit 1
RETURN [(n2)-->(m) | id(m)][0] 
jmsuhy commented 3 years ago

FYI: I am working on fixing this on the GraphStack fork. I am subscribed to this project and saw your issue so I wanted to let you know. The GraphFoundation is not supporting 3.5 anymore. I am not part of the foundation, just an open source advocate and committer.