graphhopper / directions-api

Issues for the GraphHopper Directions API
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Progress of beta release for Route Optimization / Tour Optimization API #6

Closed karussell closed 9 years ago

karussell commented 9 years ago

Since End of April our Tour Optimization API is available for selected developers. Since Mid-May it is available for all developers. Keep in mind that it is not yet suitable for production usage. If you intend to use it please contact us before.

Refer to the following information

karussell commented 9 years ago

This API is now available for all users with the free package (max. 1 vehicle for now). You can always request a free standard package for some period to try everything out. Also we welcome feedback regarding our pricing!

karussell commented 9 years ago

Breaking change: using seconds instead milliseconds for time costs

karussell commented 9 years ago

The vehicle_type parameters time_dependent_costs and distance_dependent_costs will be removed and we assume fixed values: time_dependent_costs=1 and distance_dependent_costs=0

karussell commented 9 years ago

The solution parameter is now just optional and does not contain 'pending', please use the status instead

oblonski commented 9 years ago

LargeResponse in swagger spec and java client was renamed to Response

oblonski commented 9 years ago

time/distance_dependent_costs parameter were removed from swagger spec and java client, thus they are not accessible anymore

karussell commented 9 years ago

A new speed_factor was introduced for vehicle_types but this is not a breaking change. As well as the new route editor

Route Editor

oblonski commented 9 years ago

The API now allows to set an arbitrary number of additional relations between services and shipments (with a simple two-liner in json). It is documented here.

oblonski commented 9 years ago

On 20.09.2015 we are going to activate our new json validator that checks whether the properties of the request json are valid. If not, it immediately gives you feedback on this like:

  "message" : "unable to process json input. check whether your input is valid",
  "hints" : [ {
    "message" : "unsupported json property [driver_name]. allowed properties: [vehicle_id, type_id, start_address, end_address, return_to_depot, earliest_start, latest_end, skills]",
    "details" : "class java.lang.IllegalStateException"

For the time being, please align your json request according to our specification (see documentation), otherwise it will break your code.

karussell commented 9 years ago

This is now live and you don't have to expect breaking changes in our Route Optimization API anymore. We are closing here and officially announce the public beta in the next weeks on our blog.

git2dinu commented 8 years ago

Please give the web url to show the routing optimization api map instead of editor show.

oblonski commented 8 years ago

I did not entirely understand your comment. What do you mean with editor show? If you register to GraphHopper then you have access to the editor via Dashboard - Editor automatically.

git2dinu commented 8 years ago

I have route output json. Instead of use editor via Dashboard, is any http url there to see the route map. Such that we can see the route map in anywhere by using web browser.

oblonski commented 8 years ago

Ahh ok. Good point. No this is not yet possible. You can just paste your problem.json, optimize and then you can see your output.

karussell commented 8 years ago

There is also the open source examples which you can adapt to your needs:

git2dinu commented 8 years ago

By using that open source example, still not able to see the map output in routing optimization api (got output as json). And also only can able to see the map output through http url in routing api.

karussell commented 8 years ago

Please use our forum if you have more or detailed questions and the examples will give you an overview of the result. See them in action here.

git2dinu commented 8 years ago

Thanks for clarifications

git2dinu commented 8 years ago


Need one clarifications in Jsprit. By using Jsprit, I have found the list of routes from starting point. But here my question is , I have one lat lon that lat long is coming as in mid of the list of routes from Jsprit. If I want to go first as that particular lat long from my start location means how to prioritize that lat long? Please suggest me

karussell commented 8 years ago

Please use the jsprit mailing list for questions regarding jsprit and our forum for questions regarding the GraphHopper Directions API.

oblonski commented 8 years ago

jsprit mailing list:!forum/jsprit-mailing-list

karussell commented 8 years ago

See the blog post for going beta.