Open SonnyLidarDTM opened 1 year ago
@karussell this dataset looks really good to be honest.
One of the sources for Sonny was viewfinderpanoramas?
IIRC, there is some potential licensing issue with viewfinderpanorams?
Viewfinder Panoramas. The data is not under an open license but can be freely used in open source projects according to a note here based from the author's response. However, some of the data was obtained from Soviet topographical maps that is not available for licensing, according to a blog post comment. Please use with caution.
I am not sure if this would be relevant, but wanted to mention it. Great work on creating a great DTM @SonnyLidarDTM 👍
The data is really nice, yes! Great work.
Last year I investigated the data set regarding the licenses and there were a couple of issues: (did not finish this investigation)
So from my understanding the resulting work cannot be under CC BY 4.0 except you remove a couple of sources. E.g. at that time some used data sets were even CC BY NC (part of Italy) or data which isn't allowed to be published on the web (part of Belgium)
As far as I know Graphhopper is supporting elevation data used from external elevation providers.
So maybe you wanna try "Sonny's LiDAR Digital Terrain Models" at as an alternative within Europe?
The accuracy and resolution of its models' elevations compared to satellite-based surveys like ASTER, ALOS, COPERNICUS or SRTM is significantly better. Especially in wooded areas, steep rocky terrain or narrow valleys. File format (.hgt) and file size stays the same as used in SRTM.