graphhopper / map-matching

The map matching functionality is now located in the main repository
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Error while importing pbf #99

Closed ugochirico closed 7 years ago

ugochirico commented 7 years ago

I checked out the head version of graphhopper-ios and followed the instructions in readme. I downloaded the pbf from but when I run I got this error:

666-Mac:graphhopper-ios ugos$ FILE=sud-latest.osm.pbf JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4096m -Xms1000m -server" ./graphhopper-ios-sample/
Note: checking out 'origin/master'.
## using java 1.8.0_131 (64bit) from 
## using existing osm file graph-data.osm.pbf
## existing jar found tools/target/graphhopper-tools-0.10-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
## now import. JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx4096m -Xms1000m -server
2017-07-01 18:31:12,500 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - version 0.10|2017-06-25T19:47:35Z (5,14,4,3,3,2)
2017-07-01 18:31:12,513 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - graph CH|car|RAM_STORE|2D|NoExt|,,,,, details:edges:0(0MB), nodes:0(0MB), name:(0MB), geo:0(0MB), bounds:1.7976931348623157E308,-1.7976931348623157E308,1.7976931348623157E308,-1.7976931348623157E308, CHGraph|fastest|car, shortcuts:0, nodesCH:(0MB)
2017-07-01 18:31:12,597 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - start creating graph from graph-data.osm.pbf
2017-07-01 18:31:12,597 [main] INFO  com.graphhopper.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM - using CH|car|RAM_STORE|2D|NoExt|,,,,, memory:totalMB:958, usedMB:25
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem while parsing file
    at com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader.preProcess(
    at com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader.readGraph(
    at com.graphhopper.GraphHopper.importData(
    at com.graphhopper.GraphHopper.process(
    at com.graphhopper.GraphHopper.importOrLoad(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Input file is not of valid type graph-data.osm.pbf
    at com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMInputFile.decode(
    at com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMInputFile.<init>(
    at com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader.openOsmInputFile(
    at com.graphhopper.reader.osm.OSMReader.preProcess(
    ... 5 more
Previous HEAD position was a2d421c4... i18n: updated several languages
Switched to branch 'ios-compat'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/ios-compat
karussell commented 7 years ago

For graphhopper-ios please use the issue tracker here:

ugochirico commented 7 years ago

Sorry. I posted in the wrong place