graphile-contrib / postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter

Filtering on PostGraphile connections
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Filter On Single Relations #50

Closed syndesis closed 5 years ago

syndesis commented 6 years ago

I have

CREATE TABLE publisher (
    publisher_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name text

    author_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name text

    book_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    title text
    publisher integer REFERENCES publisher(publisher_id),
    author integer REFERENCES author(author_id)

I display all the books in a table from the query:

query allBooks {
    allBooks {
        nodes {
            publisherByPublisher {
            authorByAuthor {

I want to be able to apply arbitrary filters such as all the books with ilike '%foo%' or ilike '%bar%' or both. Also, I would like to be able to construct a single query that accepts filters but will return all results if "unfiltered."

This seems somewhat related to #26 but I decided to open a new issue because of how graphile has changed since that one was opened. Looking into how to implement this myself but any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

barbalex commented 6 years ago

Maybe build a view that integrates book, author and publisher? As all the fields are then direct children of nodes, you can filter by author name as well as book title.

barbalex commented 6 years ago

Actually: Seems that you can filter directly on authorByAuthor and publisherByPublisher ( I did not realize that.

syndesis commented 6 years ago

I have a function that does this right now, but I thought it would be nicer to have the functionality built in. The method in doesn't work for forward relations. Also, it retrieves all books with null entries for authorByAuthor and publisherByPublisher for rows that don't match instead of actually filtering them out.

mattbretl commented 5 years ago

I just published a forward-relations branch with this functionality included. I still need to add proper tests before merging.

For anyone curious as to how this actually works in PostGraphile, I'll walk you through it..

Let's start with a simple schema:

create table author (
    author_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name text

create table book (
    book_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    title text,
    author integer REFERENCES author(author_id)

insert into author (author_id, name) values
  (1, 'Alice'),
  (2, 'Bob');

insert into book (book_id, title, author) values
  (1, 'The Alice Book', 1),
  (2, 'The Bob Book', 2);

and a simple GraphQL query with no filter argument:

query allBooks {
  allBooks {
    nodes {
      authorByAuthor {

which PostGraphile transforms into the following SQL:

with __local_0__ as (
    to_json((__local_1__."title")) as "title",
      select json_build_object('name'::text, (__local_2__."name")) as object
      from "public"."author" as __local_2__
      where (__local_1__."author" = __local_2__."author_id") and (TRUE) and (TRUE)
    )) as "@authorByAuthor"
  from "public"."book" as __local_1__
  where (TRUE) and (TRUE) -- ◀️◀️◀️ The filter plugin manipulates this where clause
  order by __local_1__."book_id" ASC
__local_3__ as (select json_agg(to_json(__local_0__)) as data from __local_0__)
select coalesce((select from __local_3__), '[]'::json) as "data"

Now let's run a GraphQL query with a simple filter:

query allBooksFilteredOnTitle {
  allBooks(filter: {
    title: { equalTo: "The Alice Book" }
  }) {
    nodes {
      authorByAuthor {

which PostGraphile transforms into the following SQL:

with __local_0__ as (
    to_json((__local_1__."title")) as "title",
      select json_build_object('name'::text, (__local_2__."name")) as object
      from "public"."author" as __local_2__
      where (__local_1__."author" = __local_2__."author_id") and (TRUE) and (TRUE)
    )) as "@authorByAuthor"
  from "public"."book" as __local_1__
  where (((__local_1__."title" = $1))) and (TRUE) and (TRUE)  -- ◀️◀️◀️
  order by __local_1__."book_id" ASC
__local_3__ as (select json_agg(to_json(__local_0__)) as data from __local_0__)
select coalesce((select from __local_3__), '[]'::json) as "data"

Now let's assume we want to filter on the name field in the author table using the following GraphQL query:

query allBooksFilteredOnAuthorName {
  allBooks(filter: {
    authorByAuthor: { name: { equalTo: "Alice" } }
  }) {
    nodes {
      authorByAuthor {

If PostGraphile had generated the original SQL using joins, the __local_2__ alias would be accessible to the where clause where the filter plugin operates, and we could simply add another condition such as __local_2__."name" = $1. But since __local_2__ is buried in a subselect, we need to rebuild that link within the where clause.

(NOTE: Using a join here would almost certainly be more performant, but PostGraphile does not currently support joins; see If join support is added at some point, we should revisit this implementation.)

The SQL query we want to generate (credit to @benjie for the where exists(select 1 from ... ) tip) looks like this:

with __local_0__ as (
    to_json((__local_1__."title")) as "title",
      select json_build_object('name'::text, (__local_2__."name")) as object
      from "public"."author" as __local_2__
      where (__local_1__."author" = __local_2__."author_id") and (TRUE) and (TRUE)
    )) as "@authorByAuthor"
  from "public"."book" as __local_1__
    exists(                                                  -- ◀️◀️◀️
      select 1                                               -- ◀️◀️◀️
      from "public"."author" as __local_3__                  -- ◀️◀️◀️
      where (__local_1__."author" = __local_3__."author_id") -- ◀️◀️◀️
        and (((__local_3__."name" = $1)))                    -- ◀️◀️◀️
    )                                                        -- ◀️◀️◀️
    and (TRUE) and (TRUE)
  order by __local_1__."book_id" ASC
__local_4__ as (select json_agg(to_json(__local_0__)) as data from __local_0__)
select coalesce((select from __local_4__), '[]'::json) as "data"

We just duplicated the logic from the subselect (with __local_2__ becoming __local_3__) and then tacked on __local_3__."name" = $1.

This approach can even be used to recursively resolve relations in the GraphQL query. To prove this, let's start with a schema that includes an additional relation:

create table account (
    account_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    email text

create table author (
    author_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name text,
    account integer REFERENCES account(account_id)

create table book (
    book_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    title text,
    author integer REFERENCES author(author_id)

insert into account (account_id, email) values
  (1, ''),
  (2, '');

insert into author (author_id, name, account) values
  (1, 'Alice', 1),
  (2, 'Bob', 2);

insert into book (book_id, title, author) values
  (1, 'The Alice Book', 1),
  (2, 'The Bob Book', 2);

and then consider the following GraphQL query:

query allBooksFilteredOnAuthorAccountEmail {
  allBooks(filter: {
    authorByAuthor: {
      accountByAccount: {
        email: {
  }) {
    nodes {
      authorByAuthor {

The SQL query we want to generate looks like this:

with __local_0__ as (
    to_json((__local_1__."title")) as "title",
      select json_build_object('name'::text, (__local_2__."name")) as object
      from "public"."author" as __local_2__
      where (__local_1__."author" = __local_2__."author_id") and (TRUE) and (TRUE)
    )) as "@authorByAuthor"
  from "public"."book" as __local_1__
      select 1
      from "public"."author" as __local_3__
      where (__local_1__."author" = __local_3__."author_id")
        and exists(                                                -- ◀️◀️◀️
          select 1                                                 -- ◀️◀️◀️
          from "public"."account" as __local_4__                   -- ◀️◀️◀️
          where (__local_3__."account" = __local_4__."account_id") -- ◀️◀️◀️
            and (((__local_4__."email" = $1)))                     -- ◀️◀️◀️
        )                                                          -- ◀️◀️◀️
    and (TRUE) and (TRUE)
  order by __local_1__."book_id" ASC
__local_5__ as (select json_agg(to_json(__local_0__)) as data from __local_0__)
select coalesce((select from __local_5__), '[]'::json) as "data"

This is the approach I took on the forward-relations branch. Don't expect it to be performant, but I believe it's the best we can do until PostGraphile supports joins.

benjie commented 5 years ago

Nice one @mattbretl! There's quite a lot of relational algebra that PostgreSQL can perform (e.g. turning subqueries into joins and vice-versa), so I'm not certain that this won't be performant - I'd love to see benchmarks on it.

I'm hoping to come up with a generic way where this kind of nested behaviour could be added/augmented via a different plugins - currently only the plugin that introduces the original argument can add the nested abilities.

mattbretl commented 5 years ago

I merged #54 and #55 and released beta.16 with support for this. It's disabled by default; set connectionFilterRelations: true on graphileBuildOptions to enable.

barbalex commented 5 years ago

Sounds great.

Would that be --enable-connection-filter-relations when using the command line?

Or --connection-filter-relations true?

mattbretl commented 5 years ago

AFAIK, plugins can't access CLI options, so you'd have to be using it as a library.

benjie commented 5 years ago

Schema plugins can't. Server plugins can, but it's currently undocumented and experimental. (Server plugins can also trigger schema plugins to be loaded, so ultimately you might wind up making this a server plugin.)

You might want to track this issue:

I intend to add a way for CLI users to add schema options using postgraphilerc. Not there yet (I think? haven't tested in a while...)

barbalex commented 5 years ago

What exactly is the difference between schema plugins and server plugins?

Im am currently using this on the server:

pm2 start ./node_modules/.bin/postgraphile -- -c postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/apflora --append-plugins `pwd`/node_modules/postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter/index.js --jwt-token-identifier auth.jwt_token --default-role anon --jwt-secret secret -s apflora --cors --disable-query-log --enable-query-batching

How could I get connection-filter-relations true? Could I somehow use a server plugin?

Sorry for probably asking basics.

benjie commented 5 years ago

General note: rather than

--append-plugins `pwd`/node_modules/postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter/index.js


--append-plugins postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter

Schema plugins affect the generated GraphQL schema only:

Server plugins affect the CLI, HTTP, etc (and may also load schema plugins):

There's currently no CLI flags for enabling connectionFilterRelations: true; however you can enable that setting by either using PostGraphile as a library or using a .postgraphilerc.js file using the secret graphileBuildOptions:

module.exports = {
  options: {
    graphileBuildOptions: {
      connectionFilterRelations: true

Note postgraphilerc will be replaced in v5 with a better system.

barbalex commented 5 years ago

@benjie Thanks a lot for this great help!!!

barbalex commented 5 years ago

@benjie and everyone with the same problem:

A .postgraphilerc.js file containing

module.exports = {
  options: {
    graphileBuildOptions: {
      connectionFilterRelations: true

works like a charm!

barbalex commented 5 years ago

Hm. I have realized that filtering on related fields works in local dev. But not in production. In production I get a graphql error because apByArtIdExists does not exist.

Why could that be?

benjie commented 5 years ago

I'd guess that your database is out of sync with your development one, or you need to restart PostGraphile to trigger re-introspection.

barbalex commented 5 years ago

your database is out of sync with your development one

I just recreated the local db from a dump of the productive one. The issue remains.

or you need to restart PostGraphile to trigger re-introspection

I have done that a bunch of times. Does not help.

benjie commented 5 years ago

@barbalex I think you should create a new issue with as many reproduction steps as you can muster. I can't think of a reason why it would behave differently in production vs development, I don't think we have any code that gates on that. Are you using readCache or similar to cache the introspection results?

barbalex commented 5 years ago

Are you using readCache or similar to cache the introspection results?


barbalex commented 5 years ago

O.k., got it: On more of my nooby errors: I had simply forgotten to upload the .postgraphilerc.js file to the api server.

@benjie I owe you a beer

benjie commented 5 years ago

Hah, that makes sense and easy to miss. Thanks for letting me know, and for sponsoring me 🙏