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Give makeExtendSchemaPlugin a way of associating scopes with the created types #476

Closed benjie closed 5 months ago

benjie commented 11 months ago

e.g. to have the edges be auto-added to a mutation payload you'd need to add the scopes:

isMutationPayload: true,
pgTypeResource: myResource,

In V4 you'd do this with the @scope directive; but no such directive exists in V5 currently (there's a "TODO" to add support).

Maybe, rather than using the directive (which was always an ugly hack) we can add a scopes key to the callback result:

return {
  typeDefs: ...,
  scopes: {
    object: {
      CustomCreateDependencyPayload: {
        isMutationPayload: true,
        pgTypeResource: myResource,
    field: {
      MyType: { 
        myField: {
          // scope here
  plans: { ... }

This could be done strongly typed, so is definitely preferable.


Need expressed by: @sgrove