graphile / graphile-engine

Monorepo home of graphile-build, graphile-build-pg, graphile-utils, postgraphile-core and graphql-parse-resolve-info. Build a high-performance easily-extensible GraphQL schema by combining plugins!
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[graphile-build-pg] Can't return setof composite type from procedure #60

Closed SomeHats closed 7 years ago

SomeHats commented 7 years ago

A procedure can't return a setof some composite type at the moment.

Trying to start postgraphile with this schema:

create schema test;
create type test.some_type as (a int, b int);
create function test.do_something()
  returns setof test.some_type
  as $$ select 1, 2; $$
  language sql stable;

Gives this error:

Error: Do not have a connection type 'SomeTypesConnection' for 'SomeType' so cannot create procedure field

Postgraphile + graphile-build are looking awesome - thank you so much for your amazing work on them! ✨

benjie commented 7 years ago

Fix is out in postgraphql@next - thanks for reporting 👍