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Running postgraphile as a docker container along with plugins throwing errors #404

Closed rupalimishra-v2 closed 6 months ago

rupalimishra-v2 commented 6 months ago

sudo docker run -p 5200:5200 graphile/postgraphile --plugins @graphile/pg-pubsub --connection --enhance-graphiql --schema public --cors --disable-default-mutations --jwt-token-identifier public.jwt_token --jwt-secret --default-role no_access_role --show-error-stack --dynamic-json --body-size-limit 1MB --subscriptions

node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:998 throw err; ^

Error: Cannot find module '@graphile/pg-pubsub' Require stack:

rupalimishra-v2 commented 6 months ago

Without a --plugin flag it works fine, I tried installing the plugin using - npm install @graphile/pg-pubsub, still same error.

benjie commented 6 months ago

If you need plugins, you should build your own Docker container, e.g.