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When inside of a resolver for a subscription, allow `selectGraphQLResultFromTable` to use the read only connection string #8

Open johnhaley81 opened 3 years ago

johnhaley81 commented 3 years ago

Feature description

When using subscriptions through GraphQL, you usually want to read from the main DB instance so you can get the freshest data available. However as an application scales this can put significant stress on the main DB.

Currently, PostGraphile allows you to provide a readOnlyConnection parameter that will send all query requests to it which is just fantastic! If the underlying query in a subscription could be also directed towards a read replica that would really help scale this out for larger applications.

I was thinking something along these lines:

Motivating example

Currently in prod, we have clients that are being streamed updated data from the API via subscriptions. As the number of the clients grows more reads are coming from the main DB than the RR which is causing significant performance issues.

Supporting development

I [tick all that apply]:

ben-pr-p commented 3 years ago

What method of subscriptions are you using? Purely custom subscriptions, with a custom trigger (not simple subscriptions or using LISTEN/NOTIFY or anything?)

johnhaley81 commented 3 years ago

Custom subscriptions as defined at including the usage of the function (slightly modified) that fires off the pg_notify

ben-pr-p commented 3 years ago

I don't think you can do pg_notify from a primary to a replica

johnhaley81 commented 3 years ago

I think you're correct. The notification comes from the primary but I was wondering if it would be at all possible for the code that's passing selectGraphQLResultFromTable into the callback function to perhaps have some logic to allow that function to point to the replica when it's called. Not for the actual subscription to be emitted from a replica.

benjie commented 3 years ago

graphile/postgraphile#1522 fixes an issue in PostGraphile that's preventing this from working currently; but we still need to consider something like pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp to avoid race conditions.

benjie commented 2 years ago

The current work-around for this is to delay announcing the event until you believe all replicas have caught up. We cannot solve this in pro using pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp without using transactions to ensure that the node that we request this data from and the node that we run the actual query through are the same node if you have readonlyConnectionString pointing at a pool of replicas. There's not really a suitable way right now of integrating this kind of requirement with PostGraphile - especially releasing and retrying the transaction if the pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp check fails.