graphile / pg-aggregates

Aggregates for PostGraphile connections
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Enable control of which fields get added to the schema via behaviors #67

Closed benjie closed 4 months ago

benjie commented 4 months ago


Massive behavior overhaul and additions. I wish we had tests; anyone reading this that wants to add tests, please get in touch!

You can now turn on/off aggregates, grouped aggregates, ordering by aggregates and filtering by aggregates on a table-by-table basis; you can also turn on/off individual aggregates (in each of these places) on a per-attribute and per-aggregate-spec basis.

:rotating_light: This is likely to impact existing schemas, hopefully it doesn't but... it's a lot of changes.

Fixes #60 Fixes #66

Performance impact

Schema build will be slower, runtime performance should be unaffected.

Security impact

More control over your schema shape is good for security.
