graphile / postgraphile-apollo-server

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Support for Subscriptions? #4

Open JeffJankowski opened 5 years ago

JeffJankowski commented 5 years ago

Are postgraphile subscriptions supported using this method of hosting an apollo/graphile server?

I tried enabling simple subscriptions, as one would do with an express app, but I'm not seeing the Subscription or ListenPayload types in the schema:

const pluginHook = makePluginHook([PgPubsub]);
const { schema, plugin } = await makeSchemaAndPlugin(
    subscriptions: true,
    simpleSubscriptions: true
benjie commented 5 years ago

We've not added support for subscriptions yet (note that pluginHook only applies to the PostGraphile server and cannot be used with other servers); however you may be able to leverage the underlying subscription schema plugins (appendPlugins works in all the use-cases as it enhances the schema rather than the server):

I think you'll need to pass in an extra couple things for it to work; to start with you could try calling this underlying hook method directly on your options:

so it might end up something like

const pluginHook = makePluginHook([PgPubsub]);
const baseOptions = {
    subscriptions: true,
    simpleSubscriptions: true

const hookedOptions = pluginHook('postgraphile:options', baseOptions, { pgPool });

const { schema, plugin } = await makeSchemaAndPlugin(

No idea if this will work or not; let me know how you get on!

miguelocarvajal commented 4 years ago

Hey @benjie

I tried this and do see the Subscription in the schema.

I am having a problem with the JWT token though, it doesn't seem like it's being passed through.

Had to initialize Apollo Server like this:

const app = express();

const server = new ApolloServer({
    schema: ...,

server.applyMiddleware({ app });

const httpServer = http.createServer(app);


Any ideas?

benjie commented 4 years ago

Is there a particular reason you need the Apollo Server rather than the PostGraphile server? This plugin doesn't support subscriptions currently, and I don't know how to extend it to support subscriptions (I've not looked into it).