Opinionated SaaS quick-start with pre-built user account and organization system for full-stack application development in React, Node.js, GraphQL and PostgreSQL. Powered by PostGraphile, TypeScript, Apollo Client, Graphile Worker, Graphile Migrate, GraphQL Code Generator, Ant Design and Next.js
To apply this to your previous starter DB; add a migration such as:
alter table app_public.users drop constraint users_username_check;
-- BEWARE: this is technically a breaking change, previous usernames that had a
-- trailing underscore will no longer be allowed (e.g. `AB_`). This may prevent
-- migration.
alter table app_public.users add constraint users_username_check check(length(username) >= 2 and length(username) <= 24 and username ~ '^[a-zA-Z]([_]?[a-zA-Z0-9])+$');
Fixes #226; regexp was wrong.
To apply this to your previous starter DB; add a migration such as:
Performance impact
Security impact