graphite-project / carbon

Carbon is one of the components of Graphite, and is responsible for receiving metrics over the network and writing them down to disk using a storage backend.
Apache License 2.0
1.51k stars 490 forks source link

Carbon fnv1a_ch not compatible with carbon-c-relay #714

Closed iain-buclaw-sociomantic closed 6 years ago

iain-buclaw-sociomantic commented 6 years ago

Given the following carbon config:

HASHING_TYPE = fnv1a_ch

And the equivalent carbon-c-relay config:

cluster graphite
    fnv1a_ch proto tcp proto tcp

They both produce different hash rings.


  218@   536@   611@
  991@  1625@  2470@
 2505@  2801@  3088@
 3112@  3378@  3423@
 3696@  3859@  4185@
 4496@  5319@  6103@
 6265@  6314@  6566@
 6755@  7335@  7474@
 7671@  7877@  7948@
 8078@  9040@  9314@
 9796@ 10098@ 10427@
11346@ 11432@ 12229@
12313@ 12612@ 12684@
12862@ 12941@ 12973@
13406@ 14002@ 14373@
14550@ 14711@ 14715@
15042@ 15100@ 15303@
15441@ 15630@ 16003@
16023@ 16159@ 16844@
16959@ 17469@ 17638@
17797@ 17911@ 17974@
19350@ 19624@ 19916@
19959@ 20241@ 20442@
20498@ 20708@ 21083@
21219@ 21530@ 22403@
23090@ 23394@ 23679@
23801@ 24156@ 24257@
24278@ 25241@ 25803@
26266@ 26439@ 27050@
27079@ 27419@ 27778@
27855@ 27959@ 27972@
28002@ 28003@ 28091@
28329@ 28430@ 29749@
29794@ 30120@ 30142@
30325@ 30711@ 30767@
30933@ 31079@ 31372@
31383@ 31464@ 31966@
32069@ 32142@ 32524@
32609@ 32785@ 32947@
33146@ 33696@ 33753@
34338@ 34457@ 34683@
34728@ 35134@ 35137@
35256@ 35872@ 36029@
36077@ 36557@ 39426@
39671@ 39891@ 40295@
41026@ 41315@ 41797@
42190@ 42291@ 43031@
43121@ 43146@ 43914@
44012@ 44343@ 44644@
45015@ 45561@ 45594@
46446@ 46700@ 46884@
47071@ 47339@ 47752@
48116@ 48631@ 49685@
50284@ 50447@ 51405@
51415@ 51742@ 51972@
52127@ 52678@ 53275@
53390@ 53602@ 53693@
55468@ 56262@ 56348@
57079@ 57445@ 57660@
57996@ 58025@ 58716@
59352@ 59361@ 59420@
59941@ 60005@ 60053@
60297@ 61264@ 61518@
61521@ 61848@ 61858@
61859@ 62437@ 62768@
63088@ 63327@ 63429@
64019@ 65214@


  218@   536@   611@
  991@  1625@  1795@
 2000@  2470@  2505@
 2801@  3088@  3112@
 3378@  3423@  3696@
 3849@  3859@  4185@
 4496@  5319@  6103@
 6265@  6314@  6566@
 6755@  7335@  7474@
 7671@  7877@  7948@
 8078@  9040@  9314@
 9796@ 10098@ 10427@
11346@ 11432@ 12229@
12313@ 12612@ 12684@
12862@ 12941@ 12973@
13406@ 14002@ 14373@
14550@ 14711@ 14715@
15042@ 15100@ 15303@
15441@ 15630@ 16003@
16023@ 16844@ 16959@
17469@ 17638@ 17797@
17911@ 17974@ 19350@
19624@ 19916@ 19959@
20241@ 20442@ 20498@
20708@ 21083@ 21219@
21530@ 22403@ 23090@
23394@ 23679@ 23801@
24156@ 24257@ 24278@
26266@ 26439@ 27050@
27079@ 27419@ 27778@
27855@ 27959@ 27972@
28002@ 28003@ 28091@
28329@ 28430@ 29749@
29794@ 30120@ 30142@
30325@ 30711@ 30767@
30933@ 31079@ 31190@
31372@ 31383@ 31464@
31966@ 32069@ 32142@
32524@ 32609@ 32785@
32947@ 33146@ 33696@
33753@ 34338@ 34457@
34683@ 34728@ 35134@
35137@ 35256@ 35872@
36029@ 36077@ 36557@
39426@ 39671@ 39891@
40295@ 41026@ 41315@
41797@ 42190@ 42291@
43031@ 43121@ 43146@
43914@ 44012@ 44343@
45015@ 45561@ 45594@
46446@ 46700@ 46884@
47071@ 47339@ 47752@
48116@ 48631@ 49685@
50284@ 50447@ 51405@
51415@ 51742@ 51972@
52127@ 52678@ 53275@
53390@ 53602@ 55468@
56262@ 56348@ 57079@
57445@ 57660@ 57996@
58025@ 58716@ 59352@
59361@ 59420@ 59941@
60005@ 60053@ 60297@
61264@ 61518@ 61521@
61848@ 61858@ 61859@
62437@ 62768@ 63088@
63327@ 63429@ 64019@
65214@ 65465@ 

This means that any tooling that uses carbon's consistent hash ring (such as carbonate) can not be used with carbon-c-relay. However I'm not sure whether who has the bug here in this discrepancy.

iain-buclaw-sociomantic commented 6 years ago

The diff between the two lists of replica_key = hash is:

--- carbon.txt  2017-12-21 17:46:57.480823985 +0100
+++ crelay.txt  2017-12-21 17:46:43.069027781 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 38-a = 15441
 39-a = 31464
 40-a = 12862
-41-a = 16159
+41-a = 65465
 42-a = 32947
 43-a = 64019
 44-a = 11346
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 61-a = 43031
 62-a = 34683
 63-a = 51405
-64-a = 53693
+64-a = 2000
 65-a = 14002
 66-a = 39671
 67-a = 47752
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 38-b = 536
 39-b = 32069
 40-b = 16003
-41-b = 25241
+41-b = 1795
 42-b = 33146
 43-b = 65214
 44-b = 5319
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
 59-b = 52127
 60-b = 30767
 61-b = 43146
-62-b = 25803
+62-b = 31190
 63-b = 51972
-64-b = 44644
+64-b = 3849
 65-b = 15303
 66-b = 39426
 67-b = 35137

That is a worry, seems like some keys produce different hashes.

deniszh commented 6 years ago

It's after applying, right?

iain-buclaw-sociomantic commented 6 years ago

It's after applying #679, right?

I didn't have it applied. But applying that patch makes no difference.

iain-buclaw-sociomantic commented 6 years ago

If I calculate the small_hash the "C" way (by using bitwise shifts) then the computed hash rings match.

--- a/lib/carbon/
+++ b/lib/carbon/
@@ -38,13 +38,10 @@ class ConsistentHashRing:
   def compute_ring_position(self, key):
     if self.hash_type == 'fnv1a_ch':
       if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
-        big_hash = '{:x}'.format(int(fnv32a(key)))
+        big_hash = int(fnv32a(key))
-        big_hash = '{:x}'.format(int(fnv32a(str(key))))
-      if len(big_hash) > 4:
-          small_hash = int(big_hash[:4], 16) ^ int(big_hash[4:], 16)
-      else:
-          small_hash = int(big_hash, 16)
+        big_hash = int(fnv32a(str(key)))
+      small_hash = (big_hash >> 16) ^ (big_hash & 0xFFFF)
       if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
         big_hash = md5(key.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
deniszh commented 6 years ago

Cool! Could you please make a PRs? Thanks!

iain-buclaw-sociomantic commented 6 years ago

Right, just as soon as I understand why the original computation sometimes fails.

iain-buclaw-sociomantic commented 6 years ago

OK, it looks like the high and low parts are split incorrectly.


key = '41-b'
fnv32a = 104464697
hex = 63a0139

The big hash is 7 hex digits in length, and is split into [63a0 : 139], which yields the computation:

small_hash = 0x63a0 ^ 0x139  # 25504 ^ 313 == 25241

Where it should instead be split into [63a : 0139], which gives us the correct answer:

small_hash = 0x63a ^ 0x0139  # 1594 ^ 313 == 1795
DanCech commented 6 years ago

Makes sense, nice catch @iain-buclaw-sociomantic ! In any case it'll be more efficient with your patch. A test case to cover this would also be great.

iain-buclaw-sociomantic commented 6 years ago

Alternatively, the big hash could be assigned as:

big_hash = '{:08x}.format(int(fnv32a(str(key)))

And the original logic could be kept (removing the condition that works around smaller hashes).

Yes, I agree that not bothering with formatting and just doing the bitwise approach should be more efficient.

reyjrar commented 6 years ago

Just wanted to say thanks to @iain-buclaw-sociomantic. I was experiencing this issue and thought I was losing my mind.

Thank you for your work!