graphite-project / carbon

Carbon is one of the components of Graphite, and is responsible for receiving metrics over the network and writing them down to disk using a storage backend.
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Question about "aggregated-consistent-hashing" #865

Closed adf55 closed 4 years ago

adf55 commented 4 years ago

According to the example carbon.conf, aggregated-consistent-hashing accomplishes the following:

Use consistent-hashing but take into account an aggregation-rules.conf shared
by downstream carbon-aggregator daemons. This will ensure that all metrics
that map to a given aggregation rule are sent to the same carbon-aggregator instance

My questions:

I'm assuming that each aggregator is responsible for different subsets of metrics.

(For example, say aggregator host A is responsible for metric X, then every relay host must understand that metrics matching some pattern must be sent only to A). I don't see how this is specified anywhere.

deniszh commented 4 years ago

Hi @adf55

If the relays/aggregators sit on different hosts, how are the aggregation-rules.conf shared and read from by the relays?

User (i.e. you) should care about that.

Even when the relays have access to the independent aggregation-rules.conf on each aggregator, how does each relay know which aggregator host to send a particular metric?

It uses rules from aggregation-rules.conf when calculating router using consistent hash. I can only address you to the code if you want to know gory details, or to @slackhappy - he's author of original PR

adf55 commented 4 years ago

Thanks so much @deniszh.

To clarify then - I should be manually copying aggregation-rules.conf from aggregators to relays supporting aggregated consistent hashing.

(Even after looking at code) - I'm still slightly confused about the second point. Given that a relay connects to several downstream aggregators with independent rules, it will have access to multiple aggregation-rules.conf. How does it know which rules map to which aggregator machine? Nowhere in aggregation-rules.conf is it specified which host is handling a rule

adf55 commented 4 years ago

After looking at the code some more - I've realized this is how things work (for future users of this feature):

The relays do not match aggregation rules to a host intelligently. In fact, how they select the host is essentially pseudorandom (by hash). All this feature guarantees is that the same aggregated metric is sent to the same host deterministically.

What this means is that if relay A is writing to downstream aggregators X, Y, Z, you must ensure that X, Y, Z share the same aggregation rules. This is because you cannot guarantee which aggregator metrics will be sent to. Then their shared aggregation-rules.conf must be shared with relay A.

What this also means is that A must only write to a group of aggregators (i.e no regular caches interspersed), because the regular caches cannot aggregate metrics and again, you cannot guarantee which host the aggregated metric will hash to.