Open mattgibson opened 3 years ago
This might be of some help to you. We've run into a similar issue and weren't sure if it was our old version of Graphiti (1.3.5) or not so we've not reported it as a bug yet.
In our controller that accepts a filter similar to how you describe, we do this:
def index
if params[:filter][:excluded_food_groups].class != ActionController::Parameters
# The user dictated a filter matching style of "case-insensitive equality (:eq)" which Graphiti has already
# unwrapped from the parameters, or they did not dictate any filter matching style at
# all (not :gt, nor :gte, etc.) which means we can safely assume they wanted a matching style of "case-insensitive
# equality (:eq)", so proceed with guaranteeing the excluded_food_groups parameter is an array.
# Guarantee that if a single excluded food group is given that it is placed into an array to make our desired
# Graphiti attribute type (:array_of_strings) happy. Multiple excluded food groups don't need to be turned into an array
# this way, but it doesn't hurt. Hopefully Graphiti 2.0 fixes this issue so we no longer need this work-around.
# TODO: When that time comes, remove the conditional above and this line of code. Runs tests and assess the
# situation.
params[:filter][:excluded_food_groups] = params[:filter][:excluded_food_groups].split(',').flatten
recommendations = RecommendationResource.all(params)
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render(json: recommendations) }
format.jsonapi { render(jsonapi: recommendations) }
format.xml { render(xml: pretty_xml(recommendations)) }
(Ignore the pretty_xml
part. That's our work-around to a different Graphiti bug.)
Hi. I faced the same problem. I would prefer not to update parameters in the controller because it doesn't fix the same issue during sideloading so I just redefined the filter using string
value type and then explicitly split it:
filter :label_ids, :string, only: [:intersects] do
intersects do |scope, label_ids|
scope.joins(:item_labels).where(item_labels: { label_id: label_ids.split(',') }).distinct
In this URL, the
are intended to be a comma-separated array, but here, only one value is supplied:[customer_id]=3&filter[delivery_date][eq]=2022-12-15&filter[excluded_food_groups][eq]=Beef&filter[meal_plan][eq]=Balanced&filter[portion_count_per_meal][eq]=2
In the resource, the filter is defined like this:
The error raised is
from hereThe message is
"Beef" violates constraints (type?(Array, "Beef") failed)
.If I change this line to the following, then it works: