`radiant_indexer | Aug 30 15:40:34.021 INFO Downloading latest blocks from Ethereum, this may take a few minutes..., provider: 31337-rpc-0, component: EthereumPollingBlockIngestor
radiant_indexer | Aug 30 15:40:34.236 ERRO Trying again after block polling failed: Receipt for tx 0xeb96942da9c2a907a30a34883132dbc463022c1365475e96ed422c35c01dfae2 unavailable, block was likely uncled (block hash = 0xcedad82558e06d0de0e1687486c27a79ea28a601975d17918c6bbf1c98132cee), provider: 31337-rpc-0, component: EthereumPollingBlockIngestor
radiant_indexer | Aug 30 15:40:35.240 INFO Downloading latest blocks from Ethereum, this may take a few minutes..., provider: 31337-rpc-0, component: EthereumPollingBlockIngestor
radiant_indexer | Aug 30 15:40:35.426 ERRO Trying again after block polling failed: Receipt for tx 0xeb96942da9c2a907a30a34883132dbc463022c1365475e96ed422c35c01dfae2 unavailable, block was likely uncled (block hash = 0xcedad82558e06d0de0e1687486c27a79ea28a601975d17918c6bbf1c98132cee), provider: 31337-rpc-0, component: EthereumPollingBlockIngestor
radiant_indexer | Aug 30 15:40:36.429 INFO Downloading latest blocks from Ethereum, this may take a few minutes..., provider: 31337-rpc-0, component: EthereumPollingBlockIngestor
radiant_indexer | Aug 30 15:40:36.640 ERRO Trying again after block polling failed: Receipt for tx 0xeb96942da9c2a907a30a34883132dbc463022c1365475e96ed422c35c01dfae2 unavailable, block was likely uncled (block hash = 0xcedad82558e06d0de0e1687486c27a79ea28a601975d17918c6bbf1c98132cee), provider: 31337-rpc-0, component: EthereumPollingBlockIngestor`
IPFS hash
No response
Subgraph name or link to explorer
No response
Some information to help us out
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Bug report
I run hardhat node forking Arbitrum. I deployed subgraph to the local graph node using https://github.com/radiant-capital/radiant-subgraph/tree/fix-local. But the api returns empty arrays and it doesn't seem to index it correctly.
Relevant log output
IPFS hash
No response
Subgraph name or link to explorer
No response
Some information to help us out
OS information