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Should Wallets live as a sub-category of DeFi? #78

Open graemeblackwood opened 3 years ago

graemeblackwood commented 3 years ago

The wallet is the primary access point for people to use the decentralised web. It encompasses both identity and assets.

So it doesn't feel correct to me for it to live as a sub-category of DeFi. Unless we also have wallets under Identity? I suspect Wallets should be its own category.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I completely agree!

yanivtal commented 3 years ago

Great point. Should Wallets be under Software? I don't think we want to pollute the top level namespace. The bar should be pretty high for a top level category.

graemeblackwood commented 3 years ago

@yanivtal If wallets are under software, then all smart contract-based products should be too, I suspect? They are software, afterall…