graphprotocol / mission-control-indexer

Technical indexer documentation and infrastructure templates for the Mission Control testnet
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Agent keeps claiming rewards for Closed Allocations - Financial Impact #270

Open davaymne opened 3 years ago

davaymne commented 3 years ago

Agent keeps claiming rewards for Allocations which have been closed already and rewards have been claimed.

Recently I notified that Agent made transactions to protocol to claim rewards for closed allocations.

Please, see Agent Logs (Epoch 13):

[2020-12-27 02:36:32.991 +0000] INFO     (IndexerAgent/1 on 1ac2f8f9dc39): Claim rebate rewards
    claimable: [
        "id": "0x81e5cfb11e12b86585bb798d7b4f83c5562c633a",
        "deployment": {
          "bytes32": "0x31edcacc9a53bc8ab4be2eeb0d873409da4c4228cb2d60e4243bd3b4e8af7500",
          "ipfsHash": "QmRhYzT8HEZ9LziQhP6JfNfd4co9A7muUYQhPMJsMUojSF"
        "createdAtEpoch": 5


From GraphQL you can see that allocation was closed at Epoch 6. GraphQL query:

  "data": {
    "allocation": {
      "activeForIndexer": null,
      "closedAtEpoch": 6,
      "id": "0x81e5cfb11e12b86585bb798d7b4f83c5562c633a",
      "indexer": {
        "id": "0x720a98087160bfdb282f695abe6f9ac966b03d43"
      "status": "Claimed"

IMAGE_AGENT=graphprotocol/indexer-agent:sha-0cdfaef IMAGE_SERVICE=graphprotocol/indexer-service:sha-0cdfaef

Should I provide you with more instances from another node, let me know.