graphprotocol / mission-control-indexer

Technical indexer documentation and infrastructure templates for the Mission Control testnet
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UI/UX : Confusing 'account balances' UI on Staking Sidebar #85

Open malikankit opened 4 years ago

malikankit commented 4 years ago

I hope this is a good place to submit UI/UX feedback. If not, please feel free to point to the right place - and I will repost it there.

The unstaked and staked balances look really strange on the Staking Sidebar. Eg. it took me a while to register that the numbers are 9000 GRT and 1000 GRT respectively.

Some suggestions -

1) Prefer to be consistent in the threshold at which we start using K.

2) The "K" tends to merge in with the "0000". Space it out a bit. Or a slightly larger font size.

3) Also the GRT symbol for the 9.0000K is


On a different note, love the swell color palette of the explorer :)

nenadjaja commented 4 years ago

I see your point. We updated this several times, trying to land on a perfect solution :) But yeah if it's all zeros at the end - it would make sense to show 9K instead of 9.000K