graphprotocol / support

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Hosted Service IPFS Node errors #78

Closed schmidsi closed 3 years ago

schmidsi commented 3 years ago

When trying to pin a file to one of our nodes, the following error is reported: Reported on Discord image

schmidsi commented 3 years ago

Code to pin:

const ipfsHttpClient = require('ipfs-http-client')

const createIpfsClient = node => {
    let url
    try {
        url = new URL(node)
    } catch (e) {
        throw new Error(`Invalid IPFS URL: ${node}

  The URL must be of the following format: http(s)://host[:port]/[path]`)

    // Set the port to 443 or 80 explicitly, if no port was provided
    let port = url.port
        ? url.port
        : url.protocol === 'https:'
            ? 443
            : url.protocol === 'http'
                ? 80
                : undefined

    // Connect to the IPFS node (if a node address was provided)
    return ipfsHttpClient({
        protocol: url.protocol.replace(/[:]+$/, ''),
        host: url.hostname,
        port: port,
        'api-path': url.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/api/v0/',
export default createIpfsClient
const ipfs = createIpfsClient("")
schmidsi commented 3 years ago

This might be related: And this:

promaty commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure where you got that code, but this one works:

const { create } = require('ipfs-http-client')

async function main() {
  const client = create('')
  const { cid } = await client.add('hello')



  "dependencies": {
    "ipfs-http-client": "^50.1.2"
canersevince commented 3 years ago

this repo contains that code block.

promaty commented 3 years ago

Just tried running the sync from repo above, works as well:

npm install -g @graphprotocol/ipfs-sync
echo QmZULkCELmmk5XNfCgTnCyFgAVxBRBXyDHGGMVoLFLiXEN > file-list

docker run --rm -it -d -p 5001:5001 ipfs/go-ipfs:v0.4.23

ipfs-sync sync-files --from --to http://localhost:5001 --file-list file-list
ipfs-sync sync-files --from http://localhost --to --file-list file-list
promaty commented 3 years ago

The sync script only works for v0.4.23 as --from but this seems to be out of scope of this issue

canersevince commented 3 years ago

i updated npm package version and tried your code. it worked. thanks!

promaty commented 3 years ago


schmidsi commented 3 years ago

I think @promaty fixed this. So reassigning & closing.