graphql-go / graphql

An implementation of GraphQL for Go / Golang
MIT License
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On mutation, should be added binding variables dynamically using placeholder #623

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

In the apollo documentation, you would have mutation:

      // Query
      mutation: gql`mutation ($label: String!) {
        addTag(label: $label) {
      // Parameters
      variables: {
        label: newTag,

I really like the library but it is missing the critical thing which is you having to bind fields in graphql which is a real problem if we work with entities that have many fields.

Look at this example from the docs:

curl \-X POST \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "query": "mutation { createTodo(text:\"My New todo\") { id text done } }" }' \http://localhost:8080/graphql

I prefer my graphql calls to be POST calls, and to bind text inside the mutation, instead of just having in the payload body just like this:

"query": "mutation{ createTODO(input: $input) {id text done } }", 
"variables": { "input": { "text":"My New todo" }}

Apollo for example would be creating a similar request to this one I proposed.

This is an amazing library if you ask me and I would really like this feature to ease my client side development

bhoriuchi commented 2 years ago

not sure I understand the issue. This specific package does not provide an http server and you can provide variables to the Do method using the VariableValues field in the Params object

There is a link to a handler project that will serve your endpoint over http and i also maintain one here