graphql-go / graphql

An implementation of GraphQL for Go / Golang
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MongoDB _id field #676

Open drksbr opened 11 months ago

drksbr commented 11 months ago

Hey guys.

It must be silly, but I'm not managing to evolve in this issue of ID fields.


# schema.graphql

type Mutation {
   createISP(isp: NewISP!): ISP!

type ISP {
   ID: ID!
   Name: String!
   Location: String!
   Devices: [Devices]

input NewISP {
   Name: String!
   Location: String!

// isp.resolver.go

type ISP struct {
IDField graphql.ID
NameField string
LocationField string
DevicesField *[]*Device

func (i *ISP) ID() graphql.ID {
    return i.IDField

func (i *ISP) Name() string {
    return i.NameField

func (i *ISP) Location() string {
    return i.LocationField

func (r *Resolver) GetISPs() []*ISP {

    var results []*ISP
    cursor, err := DB.Find(context.Background(), bson.M{})
    if err != nil {
        return nil
    if err := cursor.All(context.Background(), &results); err != nil {
        return nil
    return results

type NewISP struct {
    Name     string
    Location string

func (r *Resolver) CreateISP(args *struct{ Isp NewISP }) *ISP {

    // create new
    ispId := randomID() // Here I make a fake ID for testing because I couldn't use the id of the mongo object.

    isp := &ISP{
        IDField:       graphql.ID(ispId),
        NameField:     args.Isp.Name,
        LocationField: args.Isp.Location,

    DB.InsertOne(ctx, isp)

    return isp

Can you help me with this issue?