graphql-python / graphene

GraphQL framework for Python
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Question: Document how to raise exceptions to get an "errors" list in response #1469

Closed khink closed 1 year ago

khink commented 1 year ago

First off, this is a question. I apologize for creating a ticket here. As suggested in the "bug report" issue template, i asked on StackOverflow first, but unfortunately there are no responses yet. I realize this does not give me the right to create an issue . I'm hoping my question might benefit the documentation in some way.

I don't know how to raise an exception in such a way that it results in an "errors" list in the response data.

In, @erikwrede wrote that we can just raise a GraphQLError. I don't think that's documented yet. All i found about GraphQLError usage is with regard to validators: There's nothing there that says that the response will have an "errors" list.

The reason is ask is that this used to work for us with older Graphene versions (graphene==3.0, graphene-django==3.0.0b7, graphql-core==3.1.7) but stopped working after we upgrade (graphene==3.1.1, graphene-django==3.0.0 and graphql-core==3.2.3).

This used to work:

class DeleteOrderlineMutation(graphene.Mutation):
    Output = graphene.ID()

    class Arguments:
        id = graphene.UUID()
        order_id = graphene.ID()

    def mutate(cls, root, info, id, order_id):
        user = info.context.user
        order = Order.objects.for_user(user).get(pk=order_id)
        if not order.is_editable_by(user):
            raise GraphQLError(
                "Order mutation not allowed, Orderline can not be deleted."

It would result in a response like this:

  "errors": [
      {"message": "Order mutation not allowed, Orderline can not be deleted.", ...}

However, after upgrade this gives

  'data': {
    'deleteOrderline': "<Promise at 0x7f899900d5b0 rejected with GraphQLError('Order mutation not allowed, Orderline can not be deleted.')>"

I've read through the changelog of graphene and graphene-django. As this "broke" (for us) in graphene-django 3.0.0b8, i thought might have something to do with it. But then, that also requires a newer version of graphene.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

erikwrede commented 1 year ago

I believe that this problem is caused by graphene-django rather than graphene. Usually, raising a graphql error should add an entry to the errors list for the specific resolver (identified by the path) rather than return a string. I'm usually on a non-django stack and it works exactly like you'd expect. I'll search through the code and get back to you!

erikwrede commented 1 year ago

hoi @khink, somehow my comment on this was not posted. It's been some time since then so I'll need to look again, sorry!

edwinvandeven commented 1 year ago

@erikwrede Would also be interested in your findings, I'm running into the same as @khink

payamt007 commented 1 year ago

I have same issue, please help!

Satcheel commented 1 year ago

+1 for this issue. I have been breaking my head for a day around this.

There is little to no documentation around error handling and things also seem to be broken. For queries, I get the above 'Promise returned the error' whereas for mutations no error or anything - just the fields are null.

Will appreciate a fix for the issue and would love to see some proper documentation with custom handlers etc.

erikwrede commented 1 year ago

Is anyone able to post a minimal reproduction as a gist (including django setup)? I'm no longer able to reproduce the behavior on a simple django app using the newest versions.

khink commented 1 year ago

Reproduced it with a minimal setup:

erikwrede commented 1 year ago

@khink I see why my reproduction didn't work anymore. I had debug mode disabled. Setting Debug = False in fixes the error for me.

The problem is in the DjangoDebugMiddleware of graphene-django. Whenever Debug=True, it wraps all calls to resolvers (like your mutation resolver). On error, it uses the old promise library which graphql-core>2 no longer supports and does Promise.reject(error):

The correct way to handle exceptions in graphql core 3 is to raise them. Promises are treated like a valid response object. In your case, the promise can be converted to the ID type which is an implicit str, so the promise is converted to a string representation and treated like a response instead of an exception.

To solve the issue, you can try disabling the middleware or send a PR to the graphene-django team that removes the outdated promise code. I hope this helps, sorry it took me so long to get to it.

You can disable the middleware by removing "graphene_django.debug.DjangoDebugMiddleware" from settings.Middleware after initializing graphene-django. It is added here:

khink commented 1 year ago

Thanks, i'd never have found that. Thanks especially since the reason is not within this project. I'll think about whether i want to report this at graphene-django, for now i'm happy that i was able to get everything working.

Edit: There's already a ticket, i think covers exactly this.

erikwrede commented 1 year ago

Great to hear I could help! I've forwarded the issue to @firaskafri - hopefully it will be resolved soon! 🙂

firaskafri commented 1 year ago

Hello! Solved in