graphql-rust / graphql-client

Typed, correct GraphQL requests and responses in Rust
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Using Enum in query #457

Open ToferC opened 10 months ago

ToferC commented 10 months ago

Hi folks. Love the work here and using it in a prototype for workforce analytics. I'm struggling to figure out how to use an Enum in a query and would love any guidance on how to get it running.

The API I'm hitting has this query:

name: String!
level: CapabilityLevel!
): [Capability!]!
Accepts a String "name" and a CapabilityLevel and returns matches against both

The enum is a simple:

enum CapabilityLevel {

The challenge is that I'm getting the CapabilityLevel from a Webform as text, and I can't convert it into a CapabilityLevel to send to the query:

#[derive(GraphQLQuery, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy)]
    schema_path = "schema.graphql",
    query_path = "queries/capabilities/capability_by_name_and_level.graphql",
    response_derives = "Debug, Serialize, PartialEq, Deserialize"
pub struct CapabilityByNameAndLevel;

pub fn get_capability_by_name_and_level(name: String, level: String, bearer: String) -> Result<capability_by_name_and_level::ResponseData, Box<dyn Error>> {

    let request_body = CapabilityByNameAndLevel::build_query(capability_by_name_and_level::Variables {
        level: level,

    let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
    let res = client
        .header("Bearer", bearer)

    let response_body: Response<capability_by_name_and_level::ResponseData> = res.json()?;

    if let Some(errors) = response_body.errors {
        println!("there are errors:");

        for error in &errors {
            println!("{:?}", error);

    let response =
        .expect("missing response data");

    // serve HTML page with response_body

I've tried to use the Strum package, to create a helper enum and can't find a way to create the query in graphql_client. I could go back and change the API to not use enums... but that just seems wrong. I hope I'm just missing something here.

Thanks in advance for any help.

The API frontend is here:

GraphQL Query:


And Handler:

tomhoule commented 9 months ago

Yes that seems like a feature gap, thanks for reporting that. The first thing that comes to mind: we could generate Display and FromStr impls for the generated enum types.