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Validation rules: mismatch between graphql-js and spec #3286

Open IvanGoncharov opened 3 years ago

IvanGoncharov commented 3 years ago

Context #3282 by @spawnia

It looks like we have the following mismatch between spec and graphql-js. For example, type names are checked using this rule:

But in spec, there is only a rule for checking type names on fragments and I couldn't find any rule for checking types on variable fragments. Also, we have a significant mismatch in names and descriptions of rules.

So at some point, we need to do an audit of both spec and graphql-js to fix as many discrepancies as we can. We need to focus on query validation first and handle SDL validation separately since it's not well documented in the spec.

spawnia commented 3 years ago

Renaming or changing validation rules is most likely going to be breaking. Given you just released, perhaps now is not a good time to start working on this?

IvanGoncharov commented 3 years ago

@spawnia Yes, my main intention was to do an audit of discrepancies. And also work on PRs to solve some of them on spec stuff, e.g. add stuff that we validating in JS but missing in spec like stuff that you spotted in #3282 Typically spec PR takes longer to merge so we can work on them first.

leoloso commented 2 years ago

I've done the mapping (as part of writing this article concerning generic error codes). @IvanGoncharov Is this what you had in mind?

The table below contains 3 colums:

In the Spec section column, it may contain these extra strings:

Message Spec section Source code
Syntax Error: ${description} 2. Language src/error/syntaxError.ts#L14
Must provide operation name if query contains multiple operations. 6.1. Executing Requests src/execution/execute.ts#L299
Unknown operation named "${operationName}". 6.1. Executing Requests src/execution/execute.ts#L318
Must provide an operation. 6.1. Executing Requests src/execution/execute.ts#L320
Schema is not configured to execute ${operation.operation} operation. 6.2. Executing Operations src/execution/execute.ts#L362
Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field "${}.${info.fieldName}". Internal - 3.11. List src/execution/execute.ts#L719
Abstract type "${}" must resolve to an Object type at runtime for field "${}.${info.fieldName}". Either the "${}" type should provide a "resolveType" function or each possible type should provide an "isTypeOf" function. Internal - 3.6. Objects src/execution/execute.ts#L859
Support for returning GraphQLObjectType from resolveType was removed in graphql-js@16.0.0 please return type name instead. Internal - 3.6. Objects src/execution/execute.ts#L868
Abstract type "${}" must resolve to an Object type at runtime for field "${}.${info.fieldName}" with Internal - 3.6. Objects src/execution/execute.ts#L874
Abstract type "${}" was resolved to a type "${runtimeTypeName}" that does not exist inside the schema. Internal - 3.6. Objects src/execution/execute.ts#L882
Abstract type "${}" was resolved to a non-object type "${runtimeTypeName}". Internal - 3.6. Objects src/execution/execute.ts#L889
Runtime Object type "${}" is not a possible type for "${}". Internal - 3.6. Objects src/execution/execute.ts#L896
Expected value of type "${}" but got: ${inspect(result)}. Internal src/execution/execute.ts#L953
Schema is not configured to execute subscription operation. 3.3.1. Root Operation Types src/execution/subscribe.ts#L195
The subscription field "${fieldName}" is not defined. 5.3.1. Field Selections src/execution/subscribe.ts#L212
Too many errors processing variables, error limit reached. Execution aborted. Internal src/execution/values.ts#L54
Variable "$${varName}" expected value of type "${varTypeStr}" which cannot be used as an input type. 5.8.2. Variables Are Input Types src/execution/values.ts#L87
Variable "$${varName}" of required type "${varTypeStr}" was not provided. 6.1.2. Coercing Variable Values src/execution/values.ts#L101
Variable "$${varName}" of non-null type "${varTypeStr}" must not be null. 6.1.2. Coercing Variable Values src/execution/values.ts#L114
Variable "$${varName}" got invalid value ${inspect(invalidValue)} 6.1.2. Coercing Variable Values src/execution/values.ts#L132
Argument "${name}" of required type "${inspect(argType)} was not provided." 6.4.1. Coercing Field Arguments src/execution/values.ts#L177
Argument "${name}" of required type "${inspect(argType)} was provided the variable "$${variableName}" which was not provided a runtime value." 6.4.1. Coercing Field Arguments src/execution/values.ts#L198
Argument "${name}" of non-null type "${inspect(argType)} must not be null." 6.4.1. Coercing Field Arguments src/execution/values.ts#L210
Argument "${name}" has invalid value ${print(valueNode)}. 6.4.1. Coercing Field Arguments src/execution/values.ts#L223
Expected name to be a non-empty string. B.3. Lexical Tokens src/type/assertName.ts#L15
Names must only contain [_a-zA-Z0-9] but "${name}" does not. B.3. Lexical Tokens src/type/assertName.ts#L20
Names must start with [_a-zA-Z] but "${name}" does not. B.3. Lexical Tokens src/type/assertName.ts#L26
Enum values cannot be named: ${name} B.4. Document Syntax src/type/assertName.ts#L42
Enum "${}" cannot represent value: ${inspect(outputValue)} 3.9. Enums src/type/definition.ts#L1408
Enum "${}" cannot represent non-string value: ${valueStr}. 3.9. Enums src/type/definition.ts#L1418
Value "${inputValue}" does not exist in "${}" enum. 3.9. Enums src/type/definition.ts#L1426
Enum "${}" cannot represent non-enum value: ${valueStr}. 3.9. Enums src/type/definition.ts#L1441
Value "${valueStr}" does not exist in "${}" enum. 3.9. Enums src/type/definition.ts#L1451
Int cannot represent non-integer value: ${inspect(coercedValue)} 3.5.1. Int src/type/scalars.ts#L42
Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value: 3.5.1. Int src/type/scalars.ts#L47
Int cannot represent non-integer value: ${inspect(inputValue)} 3.5.1. Int src/type/scalars.ts#L57
Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value: ${inputValue} 3.5.1. Int src/type/scalars.ts#L62
Int cannot represent non-integer value: ${print(valueNode)} 3.5.1. Int src/type/scalars.ts#L71
Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value: ${valueNode.value} 3.5.1. Int src/type/scalars.ts#L78
Float cannot represent non numeric value: ${inspect(coercedValue)} 3.5.2. Float src/type/scalars.ts#L105
Float cannot represent non numeric value: ${inspect(inputValue)} 3.5.2. Float src/type/scalars.ts#L114
Float cannot represent non numeric value: ${print(valueNode)} 3.5.2. Float src/type/scalars.ts#L123
String cannot represent value: ${inspect(outputValue)} 3.5.3. String src/type/scalars.ts#L151
String cannot represent a non string value: ${inspect(inputValue)} 3.5.3. String src/type/scalars.ts#L158
String cannot represent a non string value: ${print(valueNode)} 3.5.3. String src/type/scalars.ts#L167
Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: ${inspect(coercedValue)} 3.5.4. Boolean src/type/scalars.ts#L189
Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: ${inspect(inputValue)} 3.5.4. Boolean src/type/scalars.ts#L196
Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: ${print(valueNode)} 3.5.4. Boolean src/type/scalars.ts#L205
ID cannot represent value: ${inspect(outputValue)} 3.5.5. ID src/type/scalars.ts#L228
ID cannot represent value: ${inspect(inputValue)} 3.5.5. ID src/type/scalars.ts#L240
ID cannot represent a non-string and non-integer value: print(valueNode) 3.5.5. ID src/type/scalars.ts#L245
Name "${name}" must not begin with "__", which is reserved by GraphQL introspection. 4. Introspection => Reserved Names src/utilities/assertValidName.ts#L28
Expected non-nullable type "${inspect(type)}" not to be null. 3.12. Non-Null => Input Coercion src/utilities/coerceInputValue.ts#L64
Expected type "${}" to be an object. 3.10. Input Object => Input Coercion src/utilities/coerceInputValue.ts#L93
Field "${}" of required type "${typeStr}" was not provided. 3.10. Input Object => Input Coercion src/utilities/coerceInputValue.ts#L112
Field "${fieldName}" is not defined by type "${}". 3.10. Input Object => Input Coercion src/utilities/coerceInputValue.ts#L138
Expected type "${}". ${error.message} 3.5. Scalars => Input Coercion | 3.9. Enums => Input Coercion src/utilities/coerceInputValue.ts#L163
Expected type "${}". 3.5. Scalars => Input Coercion | 3.9. Enums => Input Coercion src/utilities/coerceInputValue.ts#L179
Schema does not define the required query root type. 3.3.1. Root Operation Types src/utilities/getOperationRootType.ts#L23
Schema is not configured for mutations. 3.3.1. Root Operation Types src/utilities/getOperationRootType.ts#L34
Schema is not configured for subscriptions. 3.3.1. Root Operation Types src/utilities/getOperationRootType.ts#L45
Can only have query, mutation and subscription operations. 3.3.1. Root Operation Types src/utilities/getOperationRootType.ts#L53
Too many validation errors, error limit reached. Validation aborted. Internal src/validation/validate.ts#L62
The ${defName} definition is not executable. 5.1.1. Executable Definitions src/validation/rules/ExecutableDefinitionsRule.ts#L30
Cannot query field "${fieldName}" on type "${}". 5.3.1. Field Selections src/validation/rules/FieldsOnCorrectTypeRule.ts#L58
Fragment cannot condition on non composite type "${typeStr}". Fragments On Composite Types src/validation/rules/FragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule.ts#L32
Fragment "${}" cannot condition on non composite type "${typeStr}". Fragments On Composite Types src/validation/rules/FragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule.ts#L45
Unknown argument "${argName}" on field "${}.${}". 5.4.1. Argument Names src/validation/rules/KnownArgumentNamesRule.ts#L39
Unknown argument "${argName}" on directive "@${directiveName}". 5.4.1. Argument Names src/validation/rules/KnownArgumentNamesRule.ts#L87
Unknown directive "@${name}". 5.7.1. Directives Are Defined src/validation/rules/KnownDirectivesRule.ts#L54
Directive "@${name}" may not be used on ${candidateLocation}. 5.7.2. Directives Are In Valid Locations src/validation/rules/KnownDirectivesRule.ts#L62
Unknown fragment "${fragmentName}". Fragment Spread Type Existence src/validation/rules/KnownFragmentNamesRule.ts#L22
Unknown type "${typeName}". Fragment Spread Type Existence src/validation/rules/KnownTypeNamesRule.ts#L63
This anonymous operation must be the only defined operation. Lone Anonymous Operation src/validation/rules/LoneAnonymousOperationRule.ts#L29
Cannot define a new schema within a schema extension. Missing in spec - 3.3. Schema src/validation/rules/LoneSchemaDefinitionRule.ts#L27
Must provide only one schema definition. Missing in spec - 3.3. Schema src/validation/rules/LoneSchemaDefinitionRule.ts#L37
Cannot spread fragment "${spreadName}" within itself Fragment spreads must not form cycles src/validation/rules/NoFragmentCyclesRule.ts#L78
Variable "$${varName}" is not defined by operation "${}". 5.8.3. All Variable Uses Defined src/validation/rules/NoUndefinedVariablesRule.ts#L32
Fragment "${fragName}" is never used. Fragments Must Be Used src/validation/rules/NoUnusedFragmentsRule.ts#L49
Variable "$${variableName}" is never used in operation "${}". 5.8.4. All Variables Used src/validation/rules/NoUnusedVariablesRule.ts#L36
Fields "${responseName}" conflict because ${reasonMsg}. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional. 5.3.2. Field Selection Merging src/validation/rules/OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedRule.ts#L83
Fragment cannot be spread here as objects of type "${parentTypeStr}" can never be of type "${fragTypeStr}". Fragment spread is possible src/validation/rules/PossibleFragmentSpreadsRule.ts#L38
Fragment "${fragName}" cannot be spread here as objects of type "${parentTypeStr}" can never be of type "${fragTypeStr}". Fragment spread is possible src/validation/rules/PossibleFragmentSpreadsRule.ts#L57
Cannot extend non-${kindStr} type "${typeName}". Missing in spec - 3.4.3. Type Extensions src/validation/rules/PossibleTypeExtensionsRule.ts#L68
Cannot extend type "${typeName}" because it is not defined. Missing in spec - 3.4.3. Type Extensions src/validation/rules/PossibleTypeExtensionsRule.ts#L82
Field "${}" argument "${}" of type "${argTypeStr}" is required, but it was not provided. Required Arguments src/validation/rules/ProvidedRequiredArgumentsRule.ts#L50
Directive "@${directiveName}" argument "${argName}" of type "${argType}" is required, but it was not provided. Required Arguments src/validation/rules/ProvidedRequiredArgumentsRule.ts#L112
Field "${fieldName}" must not have a selection since type "${typeStr}" has no subfields. 5.3.3. Leaf Field Selections src/validation/rules/ScalarLeafsRule.ts#L29
Field "${fieldName}" of type "${typeStr}" must have a selection of subfields. Did you mean "${fieldName} { ... }"? 5.3.3. Leaf Field Selections src/validation/rules/ScalarLeafsRule.ts#L39
Subscription "${operationName}" must not select an introspection top level field. Single root field src/validation/rules/SingleFieldSubscriptionsRule.ts#L56
Subscription "${operationName}" must not select an introspection top level field. Single root field src/validation/rules/SingleFieldSubscriptionsRule.ts#L69
Argument "${parentName}(${argName}:)" can only be defined once. 5.4.2. Argument Uniqueness src/validation/rules/UniqueArgumentDefinitionNamesRule.ts#L69
There can be only one argument named "${argName}". 5.4.2. Argument Uniqueness src/validation/rules/UniqueArgumentNamesRule.ts#L38
Directive "@${directiveName}" already exists in the schema. It cannot be redefined. Missing in spec - 3.13. Directives => Validation src/validation/rules/UniqueDirectiveNamesRule.ts#L24
There can be only one directive named "@${directiveName}". Missing in spec - 3.13. Directives => Validation src/validation/rules/UniqueDirectiveNamesRule.ts#L34
The directive "@${directiveName}" can only be used once at this location. 5.7.3. Directives Are Unique Per Location src/validation/rules/UniqueDirectivesPerLocationRule.ts#L79
Enum value "${typeName}.${valueName}" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type extension. 3.9. Enums => Type Validation src/validation/rules/UniqueEnumValueNamesRule.ts#L50
Enum value "${typeName}.${valueName}" can only be defined once. 3.9. Enums => Type Validation src/validation/rules/UniqueEnumValueNamesRule.ts#L56
Field "${typeName}.${fieldName}" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type extension. 3.6. Objects => Type Validation src/validation/rules/UniqueFieldDefinitionNamesRule.ts#L62
Field "${typeName}.${fieldName}" can only be defined once. 3.6. Objects => Type Validation src/validation/rules/UniqueFieldDefinitionNamesRule.ts#L69
There can be only one fragment named "${fragmentName}". Fragment Name Uniqueness src/validation/rules/UniqueFragmentNamesRule.ts#L24
There can be only one input field named "${fieldName}". 5.6.3. Input Object Field Uniqueness src/validation/rules/UniqueInputFieldNamesRule.ts#L41
There can be only one operation named "${operationName.value}". Operation Name Uniqueness src/validation/rules/UniqueOperationNamesRule.ts#L24
Type for ${operation} already defined in the schema. It cannot be redefined. Missing in spec - 3.3.1. Root Operation Types src/validation/rules/UniqueOperationTypesRule.ts#L47
There can be only one ${operation} type in schema. Missing in spec - 3.3.1. Root Operation Types src/validation/rules/UniqueOperationTypesRule.ts#L54
Type "${typeName}" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type definition. Missing in spec - 3.4. Types src/validation/rules/UniqueTypeNamesRule.ts#L31
There can be only one type named "${typeName}". Missing in spec - 3.4. Types src/validation/rules/UniqueTypeNamesRule.ts#L41
There can be only one variable named "$${variableName}". 5.8.1. Variable Uniqueness src/validation/rules/UniqueVariableNamesRule.ts#L31
Field "${}.${}" of required type "${typeStr}" was not provided. 5.6.1. Values of Correct Type src/validation/rules/ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule.ts#L58
Field "${}" is not defined by type "${}". 5.6.1. Values of Correct Type src/validation/rules/ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule.ts#L75
Expected value of type "${inspect(type)}", found ${print(node)}. 5.6.1. Values of Correct Type src/validation/rules/ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule.ts#L87
Expected value of type "${typeStr}", found ${print(node)}. 5.6.1. Values of Correct Type src/validation/rules/ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule.ts#L118
Expected value of type "${typeStr}", found ${print(node)}. 5.6.1. Values of Correct Type src/validation/rules/ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule.ts#L133
Expected value of type "${typeStr}", found ${print(node)}; 5.6.1. Values of Correct Type src/validation/rules/ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule.ts#L145
Variable "$${variableName}" cannot be non-input type "${typeName}". 5.8.2. Variables Are Input Types src/validation/rules/VariablesAreInputTypesRule.ts#L33
Variable "$${varName}" of type "${varTypeStr}" used in position expecting type "${typeStr}". 5.8.5. All Variable Usages are Allowed src/validation/rules/VariablesInAllowedPositionRule.ts#L63
The field ${}.${} is deprecated. ${deprecationReason} Optional - 4.2. Introspection => Deprecation src/validation/rules/custom/NoDeprecatedCustomRule.ts#L30
Directive "@${}" argument "${}" is deprecated. ${deprecationReason} Optional - 4.2. Introspection => Deprecation src/validation/rules/custom/NoDeprecatedCustomRule.ts#L44
Field "${}.${}" argument "${}" is deprecated. ${deprecationReason} Optional - 4.2. Introspection => Deprecation src/validation/rules/custom/NoDeprecatedCustomRule.ts#L54
The input field ${}.${} is deprecated. ${deprecationReason} Optional - 4.2. Introspection => Deprecation src/validation/rules/custom/NoDeprecatedCustomRule.ts#L69
The enum value "${}.${}" is deprecated. ${deprecationReason} Optional - 4.2. Introspection => Deprecation src/validation/rules/custom/NoDeprecatedCustomRule.ts#L84
GraphQL introspection has been disabled, but the requested query contained the field "${}". Optional - 4. Introspection src/validation/rules/custom/NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule.ts#L29
italosantana commented 2 years ago

I'm having this error in my code. I saw that in the source code, it will be fixed in the next release 17.0.0.

Has anyone had this error?

Support for returning GraphQLObjectType from resolveType was removed in graphql-js@16.0.0 please return type name instead.
[ { line: 9, column: 3 } ]
GraphQLError: Support for returning GraphQLObjectType from resolveType was removed in graphql-js@16.0.0 please return type name instead.
    at ensureValidRuntimeType (/home/italopc/workspace/safe/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:829:11)
    at completeAbstractValue (/home/italopc/workspace/safe/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:797:5)
    at completeValue (/home/italopc/workspace/safe/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:624:12)
    at /home/italopc/workspace/safe/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:486:9
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at async middleware (/home/italopc/workspace/safe/node_modules/koa-graphql/index.js:132:26)
    at async logger (/home/italopc/workspace/safe/node_modules/koa-logger/index.js:67:7)
    at async bodyParser (/home/italopc/workspace/safe/node_modules/koa-bodyparser/index.js:95:5)