Github graphql recently added 'closeDiscussion' tab where discussions can be closed as OUTDATED, RESOLVED or DUPLICATE. I have a scenario where I need to close the current discussion as resolved or outdated based on reply. I have written this mutation -
mutation closeDiscussion($discussionId: ID!) { closeDiscussion(input: {discussionId: $discussionId, reason: RESOLVED}) { clientMutationId } }
On running npm run codegen, I am getting this error -
GraphQL Document Validation failed with 1 errors; Error 0: Cannot query field "closeDiscussion" on type "Mutation". Did you mean "createDiscussion", "deleteDiscussion", "updat…"
I have updated graphql schema using this command - npm update @octokit/graphql-schema
But graphql-schema is not updated with 'closeDiscussion()'
Github graphql recently added 'closeDiscussion' tab where discussions can be closed as OUTDATED, RESOLVED or DUPLICATE. I have a scenario where I need to close the current discussion as resolved or outdated based on reply. I have written this mutation -
mutation closeDiscussion($discussionId: ID!) { closeDiscussion(input: {discussionId: $discussionId, reason: RESOLVED}) { clientMutationId } }
On running
npm run codegen
, I am getting this error -GraphQL Document Validation failed with 1 errors; Error 0: Cannot query field "closeDiscussion" on type "Mutation". Did you mean "createDiscussion", "deleteDiscussion", "updat…"
I have updated graphql schema using this command - npm update @octokit/graphql-schema But graphql-schema is not updated with 'closeDiscussion()'
Could you please help here? Thanks