graphql / graphql-spec

GraphQL is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service.
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Fix CoerceArgumentValues() hasValue #1056

Open benjie opened 1 year ago

benjie commented 1 year ago

Fixes a bug discovered whilst carefully evaluating CoerceArgumentValues() that leads to "undefined value leakage" and potential null pointer exception if strictly following the spec. GraphQL.js does not suffer this, so this is a spec bug rather than an implementation bug.

Consider the following schema:

type Query {
  field(arg: String! = "defaultValue"): String

And the following GraphQL query:

query ($var: String) {
  field(arg: $var)

Imagine that we send an empty object ({}) as the variable values.

Coercing the variableValues according to we get an empty object ({}).

Fast-forward to

Expectation: coercedValues = { arg: "defaultValue" } Actual result: coercedValues = { arg: undefined }

arg is non-null string -> NPE! :boom:

Essentially the phrase "Let {hasValue} be {true} if {argumentValues} provides a value for the name {argumentName}" is at best ambiguous and at worst plain wrong, since the next two lines get the "value" for {argumentName} and then check to see if this {value} is a variable.

This PR fixes this issue by only setting hasValue to true when the value is explicitly resolved via the two branches: variable and non-variable.

There is no need for a GraphQL.js PR for this since GraphQL.js already follows the expected behavior; reproduction:

import { GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLString, graphqlSync, printSchema, validateSchema } from "graphql";

const Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "Query",
  fields: {
    field: {
      args: {
        arg: {
          type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
          defaultValue: "defaultValue",
      type: GraphQLString,
      resolve(_, { arg }) {
        return arg;

const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: Query,

const result = graphqlSync({
  source: /* GraphQL */ `
    query ($var: String) {
      field(arg: $var)
  variables: {
    /* EXPLICITLY DO NOT PASS "var" */

const errors = validateSchema(schema);
if (errors.length) {

console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
netlify[bot] commented 1 year ago

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Shane32 commented 1 year ago

GraphQL.js does not suffer this, so this is a spec bug rather than an implementation bug.

The latest build of GraphQL.NET does not suffer from this issue either. Test added in to be sure.