graphql / vscode-graphql

MIGRATED: VSCode GraphQL extension (autocompletion, go-to definition, syntax highlighting)
MIT License
557 stars 71 forks source link

This Extension Has Been Migrated! #420

Open acao opened 2 years ago

acao commented 2 years ago

95% of the bugs reported here are in our language server, which lives in graphql/graphiql monorepository!

This is why this repository seems inactive. It also leads to delays between releases to the language server and to the extension. Sometimes the extension goes months without upgrading the language server, whereas in the monorepo, a new version of the extension would be released every time the language server is released.

It's been a great time here! And thank you @divyenduz for all your work creating and maintaining this project! and thank you to the many others who have contributed! will merge this repository with the language server, and archive this repository as read only.

orta commented 2 years ago

I wonder if it's worth renaming the repo (and conceptual space) to language-tools? It's what we did for svelte when lots of projects got combined into a single monorepo

acao commented 2 years ago

@orta great point. I originally proposed such a thing when merging the LSP server, LS, graphiql and codemirror-graphql repos into a monoreo years ago. It was going to be a new repository. But the original creators were excited about the combined monorepo idea, but felt it was important to keep the original repository name.