graphsketcher / GraphSketcher

A fast, simple graph drawing and data plotting app for OS X and iPad.
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Tried to build the iPad version build failed with #6

Closed Anzumana closed 10 years ago

Anzumana commented 10 years ago

../../OmniGroup/Scripts/CopyLibraryResources:79:in `

': FixStringsFile not found at /Users/Anzumanaimport/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/GraphSketcher-iPad-dqfphrkddxrvetahscphnbmlkkne/Build/Products/Debug/FixStringsFile! (RuntimeError) Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

i am running Xcode version 5.0.2 changed the line OMNI_MAC_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = Mac Developer: in Target-Mac-Common.xcconfig file as advised to OMNI_MAC_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = have a current iOS Dev Account so identify should not be the issue. Any ideas ?

Anzumana commented 10 years ago

Hi, found my mistake . I used GraphSketcher/iPad/GraphSketcher-iPad.xcodeproj instead of the GraphSketcher/GraphSketcher-iPad.xcworkspace file to build it. Since the iPad build depends on a lot of other frameworks quite obvious why this should not work