As a user
I want to click on the stars
in order to submit my ratings.
Acceptance criteria
[ ] When the user first loads the page, the star rating component displays an initial state with no pre-selected stars.
[ ] Clicking on the stars selects the desired rating and visually reflects the selection and shows the number.
[ ] Clicking on a star that was already selected, change the number and the star.
[ ] When the user hovers over a star, that star and all the previous stars light up to provide visual feedback of the potential selection and also the number changes.
[ ] The StarRating displayed under the input Field from details view.
[ ] Create new branch rating-star
[ ] Create a new component StarRating
[ ] Implement the visual feedback on hover, ensuring stars light up on hover
[ ] Handle the click event on a star to select the desired rating.
Value proposition
As a user I want to click on the stars in order to submit my ratings.
Acceptance criteria