grasmanek94 / UniverseLAN

UniverseLAN is a GOG Galaxy wrapper which allows LAN / Direct IP connections for games using Galaxy Multiplayer
MIT License
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Achievements support #5

Open elyashivhazan opened 2 months ago

elyashivhazan commented 2 months ago

Hi, any plan to add achievements local support like some steam emu for example?

grasmanek94 commented 2 months ago

Achievements are saved in Achievements.ini, what kind of support are you missing? Is something not working?

DogancanYr commented 1 month ago

What does VisibleWhileLocked mean? Is there a gui or something?

grasmanek94 commented 1 month ago

No there's no in-game and no external GUI unfortunately.

I'll happily accept a well-programmed/designed PR that introduces such functionality.

VisibleWhileLocked is just an internal achievement property, it communicates to the gog client if the achievment should be hidden if it's not unlocked yet.

DogancanYr commented 1 month ago

Does the game fill the description section or is it always empty?

DogancanYr commented 4 weeks ago

Since the achievement names are the same, it seems like can get the achievement icons and descriptions from steam.

grasmanek94 commented 3 weeks ago

I think games don't fill these, these are saved on the GOG servers.