grasph / wrapit

Automatization of C++--Julia wrapper generation
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Support for T&& function parameters and the special move constructor case #24

Open t-bltg opened 1 year ago

t-bltg commented 1 year ago

In, it is stated that move constructors (taking a rvalue) are unsupported for the moment.

The generated code does not compile, right, but where should this be fixed ? Is it a limitation in wrapit, CxxWrap or libcxxwrap-julia ?

I'd like to try to fix this, but I will need some pointers to start, so any comment would be very helpful.

grasph commented 1 year ago

I don't remember where the issue comes from. The easiest way to start with to address it, is to comment this part of code and run wrapit on a function that takes a pass-by-r-value argument.

t-bltg commented 1 year ago

Thanks, well the generated code errors in libcxxwrap-julia, here is my toy code for the problem:


#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

using namespace std;

class Circle {
    Circle(int r)
        _radius = r;
        cout << "Standard constructor. Radius: " << _radius << endl;

    Circle(const Circle& c)
        _radius = c.radius();
        cout << "Copy constructor with lvalue reference. Radius: " << _radius << endl;

    Circle(Circle&& c)
        _radius = c.radius();
        cout << "Move constructor with rvalue reference. Radius: " << _radius << endl;

    int radius() const {
        return _radius;

    int _radius;

void test()
    cout << "== from c++ ==" << endl;
    Circle c1(2);
    Circle c2(c1);
    Circle c3(std::move(c2));


module_name = "Circ"
input = ["circle.hh"]

wrapit generated jlCirc.cxx

```c++ #include #include "jlcxx/jlcxx.hpp" #include "jlcxx/functions.hpp" #include "jlcxx/stl.hpp" #include "jlCirc.h" #ifdef VERBOSE_IMPORT # define DEBUG_MSG(a) std::cerr << a << "\n" #else # define DEBUG_MSG(a) #endif #define __HERE__ __FILE__ ":" QUOTE2(__LINE__) #define QUOTE(arg) #arg #define QUOTE2(arg) QUOTE(arg) namespace jlcxx { template<> struct IsMirroredType : std::false_type { }; template<> struct DefaultConstructible : std::false_type { }; } JLCXX_MODULE define_julia_module(jlcxx::Module& types){ DEBUG_MSG("Adding wrapper for type Circle (" __HERE__ ")"); // defined in ./circle.hh:6:7 auto t0 = types.add_type("Circle"); /**********************************************************************/ /* Wrappers for the methods of class Circle */ DEBUG_MSG("Adding wrapper for void Circle::Circle(int) (" __HERE__ ")"); // defined in ./circle.hh:8:5 t0.constructor(/*finalize=*/true); DEBUG_MSG("Adding wrapper for void Circle::Circle(const Circle &) (" __HERE__ ")"); // defined in ./circle.hh:14:5 t0.constructor(/*finalize=*/true); DEBUG_MSG("Adding wrapper for void Circle::Circle(Circle &&) (" __HERE__ ")"); // defined in ./circle.hh:20:5 t0.constructor(/*finalize=*/true); DEBUG_MSG("Adding wrapper for int Circle::radius() (" __HERE__ ")"); // signature to use in the veto list: int Circle::radius() // defined in ./circle.hh:26:9 t0.method("radius", static_cast(&Circle::radius)); /* End of Circle class method wrappers **********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************** * Wrappers for global functions and variables including * class static members */ DEBUG_MSG("Adding wrapper for void test() (" __HERE__ ")"); // signature to use in the veto list: void test() // defined in ./circle.hh:34:6 types.method("test", static_cast(&test)); /* End of global function wrappers **********************************************************************/ DEBUG_MSG("End of wrapper definitions"); } ```

error log

``` In file included from jlCirc.cxx:2: In file included from [...]/include/jlcxx/jlcxx.hpp:15: [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:72:14: error: no matching function for call to object of type 'ReturnTypeAdapter, Circle &&>' return ReturnTypeAdapter()(functor, args...); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:209:69: note: in instantiation of member function 'jlcxx::detail::CallFunctor, Circle &&>::apply' requested here return reinterpret_cast(detail::CallFunctor::apply); ^ [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:196:3: note: in instantiation of member function 'jlcxx::FunctionWrapper, Circle &&>::pointer' requested here FunctionWrapper(Module* mod, const functor_t &function) : FunctionWrapperBase(mod, julia_return_type()), m_function(function) ^ [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:526:29: note: in instantiation of member function 'jlcxx::FunctionWrapper, Circle &&>::FunctionWrapper' requested here auto* new_wrapper = new FunctionWrapper(this, f); ^ [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:700:12: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'jlcxx::Module::method, Circle &&>' requested here return method(name, std::function(std::forward(lambda))); ^ [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:555:12: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'jlcxx::Module::add_lambda, (lambda at [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:562:67), Circle &&>' requested here return add_lambda(name, std::forward(lambda), &LambdaT::operator()); ^ [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:562:51: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'jlcxx::Module::method<(lambda at [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:562:67)>' requested here FunctionWrapperBase &new_wrapper = finalize ? method("dummy", [](ArgsT... args) { return create(args...); }) : method("dummy", [](ArgsT... args) { return create(args...); }); ^ [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:986:16: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'jlcxx::Module::constructor' requested here m_module.constructor(m_dt, finalize); ^ jlCirc.cxx:45:6: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'jlcxx::TypeWrapper::constructor' requested here t0.constructor(/*finalize=*/true); ^ [...]/include/jlcxx/module.hpp:43:22: note: candidate function not viable: expects an rvalue for 2nd argument inline return_type operator()(const void* functor, static_julia_type... args) ^ 1 error generated. ```
grasph commented 1 year ago

It's a CxxWrap limitation. When do you want the move constructor to be called? It is not clear to me how you'd like to map the copy and move constructors to Julia.

t-bltg commented 1 year ago

Yes, it's unclear to me conceptually too how a move constructor would be called from the julia side, so it might be a dead end.

However, I'm wrapping a library that I'm in no position of modifying its sources. There, a class is declared where only a move constructor is defined so I'm kinda stuck here in my wrapping attempts.

grasph commented 1 year ago

I see. I'm adding @barche to get its opinion.

It's not clear to me know the move-only class should be handled, and more general pass-by-rvalue function parameters. The std::uniq_ptr is one notorious example of move-only class. As @t-bltg highlighted, Wrapit currently skip move-constructor and any function with a T&& parameter.

@t-bltg, if you give more insights on the class you want to wrap, this might help to understand use cases and how mapping to Julia should be done.


t-bltg commented 1 year ago

Thanks Philippe,

I cannot disclose the sources, but here is a reduced example of what is intended to be wrapped (you were dead-on right about std::unique_ptr usage):

#include <memory>

struct Options;

enum class State
  IDLE = 0,
  RUNNING = 1,

class CurrentState

  explicit CurrentState(std::unique_ptr<Options> && Options);


  CurrentState(CurrentState const &) = delete;
  CurrentState(CurrentState &&) = delete;
  CurrentState & operator=(CurrentState const &) = delete;
  CurrentState & operator=(CurrentState &&) = delete;

  State getState() const
  { return m_state; }

  State m_state;

  std::unique_ptr<Options> m_Options;
grasph commented 1 year ago

Let's wait from @barche's inputs to see how to handle this case.

If you need an immediate solution, here is a workaround, you can use in the meantime.

Define a function in a header file you add to the WrapIt input list,

CurrentState createCurrentState(const Option& o){ 
  return CurrentState(std::make_unique<Option>(o)); 

Then, either require calling this function instead of the usual constructor or, for a more transparent use, define a constructor inside the julia module:

CurrentState(o::Option) = createCurrentState(o)

To customize the julia module, you can use the pattern of ex002-ROOT: export list is generated in a separate file and the generated master file (limited to few lines) is discarded and replaced by a custom file. This will also allow you customizing the shared library path and solve at the same time the Issue #18.


t-bltg commented 1 year ago

That's a nice workaround ! I had to heap allocate and return a pointer, since the copy constructor was marked deleted in my example (hence failing to compile on return), but this is a detail unrelated to the initial issue.

Regarding, I ended up writing my own module, however from a user point of view (a beginner using wrapit for the first time), I believe it might be better to use @__DIR__ since the generated module and the shared library reside in the same location.

barche commented 1 year ago

I think @grasph 's workaround is the only way for now. There is currently no way to directly wrap the move constructor, but it seems like it would be a nice feature to have. I think it should be possible to also provide a move function in CxxWrap to go along with it, to make sure the move constructor is called.