grasph / wrapit

Automatization of C++--Julia wrapper generation
MIT License
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Incompatibility with CxxWrap 0.15.0+ #51

Open grasph opened 3 months ago

grasph commented 3 months ago

Code generated with WraptIt! is not compatible with CxxWrap 0.15.0 due to the new support of default value and name for function argument, that changes how constructor must be declared: call to constructor<...>(false/true) must be replaced by constructor<...>(jlcxx::finalize_policy::no/jlcxx::finalize_policy::yes). In addition, the build system used in test/ can examples can lead to inconsistency between CxxWrap version used to build the shared library and the one used to run the test or the example, the two being updated independently: the code build processes uses the buildtools project directory.