graspit-simulator / graspit

The GraspIt! simulator
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jaco_robot model broken #139

Open mattcorsaro1 opened 6 years ago

mattcorsaro1 commented 6 years ago

One of the fingers of the jaco_robot appears to be broken. Nothing happens after I send an open command over graspit_interface. I have a fresh install of the latest version of graspit. Here's the terminal output when I import the hand:

Creating base...

Setting up 3 degrees of freedom...
Creating 3 kinematic chains (fingers)...
Chain 0:   Creating joints
   Joint 0
  Creating links
   Link 0
  Creating dynamic joints
Chain 1:   Creating joints
   Joint 0
  Creating links
   Link 0
  Creating dynamic joints
Chain 2:   Creating joints
   Joint 0
  Creating links
   Link 0
  Creating dynamic joints
No normalization data found; using factors of 1.0
Read 1 eigengrasps from EG file
Using eigengrasps from file: eigen/eigen.xml
Loaded virtual contacts from file virtual/contacts.xml
jvarley commented 6 years ago

Make this: d1+210 ----> d1+0 That will get the hand to show up correctly.

That hand does not play well with the dynamics engine as is. I am not sure why. In the jaco_robot.xml file try playing around with different values for


maybe look at what has been used for the Barrett hand. Perhaps the weights, cog, or inertial matrices for the individual links are not correct.

If you get it working well, please make a pull request.

JenniferBuehler commented 6 years ago

After some updates to the graspit code, now there is a new version of the Jaco hand. The model has been generated with urdf2graspit from the jaco-arm-pkgs before it was added to this repo. This has been a while ago, so it could probably use an update. I will try to put a PR together soon. Meanwhile you could try to use the jaco_graspit_sample model here, does it work with that one?