1) .travis.yml file - with instructions to build graspit in both release and debug mode
2) ci/ directory with installation and build intstructions required by travis
3) converted readme.txt to .md so I could add the travis build status icon. Reformatted the readme as well
Once this is pulled, I will update the readme to point to the travis for graspit-simulator/graspit rather than CURG/graspit
Changes: 1) .travis.yml file - with instructions to build graspit in both release and debug mode 2) ci/ directory with installation and build intstructions required by travis 3) converted readme.txt to .md so I could add the travis build status icon. Reformatted the readme as well
Once this is pulled, I will update the readme to point to the travis for graspit-simulator/graspit rather than CURG/graspit
Tested: successfuly build results shown here:
You can see the icon in the readme if you go to: