graspit-simulator / graspit_interface

A GraspIt! plugin exposing a ROS interface via graspit-ros
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error occurs when building the workspace #29

Open lxrswdd opened 6 years ago

lxrswdd commented 6 years ago

following the steps and problem comes up after execute "catkin_make"


Thank you !

jvarley commented 6 years ago

make sure GraspIt! is installed and able to run on your machine:

git clone
cd graspit
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j5
sudo make install

On Linux, you will probably want to add both of these lines to the bottom of your ~/.bashrc

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export GRASPIT=~/.graspit

If you don't want to install GraspIt! with sudo, you will need to make sure catkin can find your graspit install when you compile it (CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH I think?), and the correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime.

samarth-robo commented 5 years ago

If you installed GraspIt! to a custom location (denoted by the environment variable GRASPIT_DIR), you might face this error. I solved it by using catkin_make -Dgraspit_DIR=${GRASPIT_DIR}/lib/cmake/graspit. Directly modifying the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH at the catkin_make command line caused all sorts of problems with my workspace.

dnandha commented 4 years ago

Really just make your that you haven't forgotten the sudo make install after compiling graspit, because that instruction is actually not in the graspit installation guide.